Kamala Harris mocked for yelling wildly during speech

 April 9, 2023

Vice President Kamala Harris has become known for breaking into awkward laughter and making embarrassing gaffes.  However, this weekend saw what may be the vice president's worst performance yet. 

Video footage emerged on Saturday in which Harris could be seen yelling wildly while speaking at a church in Tennessee.

The Vice president went on an angry rant over the expulsion of Democratic state legislators

She was reacting to the expulsion of two Democratic Tennessee legislators this past Thursday. A vote was also held to expel a third lawmaker but the attempt failed.

The trio were targeted for their role in a riot on the state Capitol grounds last week by anti-gun activists late last month after a transgender individual murdered three students and three staff members at a Christian school.

"It wasn’t about the three of these leaders. It was about who they were representing. It’s about whose voices they were channeling! Understand that!" Harris hollering at her listeners.

Conservative activist accuses Harris of engaging in "incitement to insurrection"

"And is that not what a democracy allows?" She continued, "A democracy says you don’t silence the people! You do not stifle the people!" she continued.

"You don’t turn off their microphones when they’re speaking about the importance of life and liberty!" the vice president demanded.

Harris' words were met with derision from conservatives on social media, including Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton, who suggested that the vice president could be guilty of inciting insurrection.

Charges of hypocrisy leveled at Harris over suppression of Biden laptop story

Meanwhile, former American Immigration Lawyers Association Board of governors member Matthew Kolken spoke up as well, noting that Harris seemed unconcerned by efforts to suppress coverage of Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop.

Mike Davis once served as the Senate Judiciary Committee's chief counsel for nominations, and he called Harris "the loud, dumb, angry former (absentee) senator I remember well."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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