KY Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear bucks party on sex change surgery for minors

 July 30, 2023

Democrats are famous for their unwillingness to turn on one another in the public sphere, but in a perhaps unexpected turn of events, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear has just taken a stand contrary to liberal orthodoxy by declaring himself opposed to sex change surgery for minors, as Fox News reports.

Beshear's statements on the matter come amid suggestions from Daniel Cameron, his GOP rival in the upcoming gubernatorial race, that he is in support of radical “gender affirming” medical care.

Cameron's take

According to the Associated Press, Beshear's recent statements on the topic have been prompted by campaign rhetoric from the Republican side implying that the governor is in lockstep with the liberal wing of his party on the controversial subject.

The GOP's assessment of Beshear's position came largely from the governor's veto earlier this year of a transgender bill that included a ban on gender-affirming surgery for minors.

That veto, however, was ultimately overridden by the state's Republican-led legislature.

Cameron seized on the issue anyhow, declaring, “Andy Beshear and his liberal allies believe kids should have access to sex change surgery and drugs. I'll be a governor who stands with the General Assembly and values of the men, women, and children of Kentucky's 120 counties.”

Beshear fires back

Not content to let Cameron's characterization stand, Beshear recently released an ad entitled “Parents,” in which he declares assertions from his Republican opponent to be “not true.”

Beshear further states that he has “never supported gender reassignment surgery for kids,” noting that “those procedures don't happen here in Kentucky.”

The governor goes on, pledging to “support parents,” people he says “know what's best” for their own children.

Eric Hyers, campaign manager for Beshear's 2024 bid, contended that “Daniel Cameron and his allies are pushing a blatantly false attack because they know they can't win talking about Cameron's record, which includes supporting cuts to teacher pensions and backing schemes to divert money out of our public schools.”

Closely watched race

This latest dust-up is just the latest development in a race that is grabbing national attention and will likely continue to do so until November.

Viewed as a national bellwether of sorts for the 2024 cycle, the contest has already been marked by a sometimes-bitter ongoing messaging war between the candidates.

Cameron has attempted to capitalize on hot-button issues including those relating to transgender concerns, telling his fellow Kentuckians that “Andy Beshear could not be further from your values than anything.”

Beshear, however, continues to enjoy a 63% approval rating in his traditionally Republican-leaning state, and though polling suggests that he holds a 10-point lead on Cameron at present, much can certainly change between now and Election Day, particularly as the rhetoric heats up on both sides.

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