Mainstream media is no longer covering for Hunter Biden

 August 17, 2024

It would appear that, now that President Joe Biden has withdrawn from the 2024 presidential election, the mainstream media is no longer providing cover for Biden's embattled son, Hunter Biden. 

This was pointed out by John Nolte in a piece that he recently published for Breitbart News.

Nolte writes:

Now that His Fraudulency Joe Biden is no longer the only thing that stands between Donald Trump and the White House, the corrupt Deep State and America’s fake media have decided it’s safe to blow the Hunter Biden case wide open.

In the rest of the piece, Nolte proves his point.

Here's the evidence:

In recent weeks, since Biden dropped out of the election, there have been some big revelations about Hunter Biden.

It has long been alleged that the Biden family's so-called business, which, in part, operated through Hunter Biden, was selling foreigners access to the U.S. government through his father, Joe Biden. As a result of recent reporting, it now appears that this allegation is true.

The Associated Press reported:

Hunter Biden was hired by a Romanian businessman accused of corruption who was trying to “influence U.S. government policy” during Joe Biden’s term as vice president, prosecutors said in court papers Wednesday.

Here's another recent report from ABC News:

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, attempted to enlist support from the U.S. Ambassador to Italy in 2016 to arrange a business meeting on behalf of Burisma for a prospective energy deal, according to his attorney.

The big question, of course, is why did it take all the way until now to learn this information.

Too little, too late?

Nolte, in his article, suggests that it is "too little, too late." He suggests that the only reason that the mainstream media is releasing these articles is because, now that Biden's political career is coming to a close, it no longer matters.

Nolte is likely correct about this.

Perhaps, here, it is worth remembering what happened in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election. The reader will likely remember that the mainstream media and big tech suppressed reporting about Hunter Biden's infamous laptop. The reader will likely also remember how the mainstream media labeled the laptop "Russian disinformation."

It is also worth remembering that there have been numerous polls that have shown that the outcome of the 2020 presidential election would have been different if only Americans were told the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop.

This tells you everything you need to know about the mainstream media.

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Thomas Jefferson