Matt Lauer's daughter in trouble for crashing through fence and leaving the scene

 August 29, 2024

Matt Lauer, the former host of NBC's "Today" show, was forced to deal with a legal issue regarding his daughter, Romy. 

According to Page Six, Lauer's daughter, 20, reportedly crashed into a fence and hit a sign in the Hamptons and fled the scene. However, a license plate fell off of her Jeep Wrangler, allowing police to quickly identify the person behind the crash.

The incident reportedly happened over the July Fourth weekend. It was noted that Romy was out with several friends and had posted a TikTok video at a nearby sushi restaurant prior to the incident.

Romy and Lauer's ex-wife, model Annette Roque, were issued a summons by Southampton Town police for leaving the scene of an accident.

What's going on?

Page Six described the initial reports:

A source tells us that around 4 a.m. July 5, a 911 call was made about a crash on North Sea Mecox Road by a concerned neighbor who had heard a loud noise and was worried that someone was hurt.

When police arrived, we’re told, a fence and a sign were down — but the driver had taken off and left their license plate.

A source also told the outlet that a ticket was issued to Romy, and that her dad enlisted high-profile celebrity attorney Edward Burke Jr. The source said Burke is "currently involved in the case and resolving this for Ms. Lauer."

In the TikTok video Romy and her friends posted before the incident, they can be heard repeating a quote from actor Kevin James in one of his past movies, “I just got three things to say: God bless our troops, God bless America and gentlemen, start your engines!"

It wasn't made clear if alcohol was a factor in the crash, though many on social media speculated that could have been the case, given the video she posted prior to the incident.

It's the first time Romy has been in the news since 2019 when she posted clips of her father dancing and singing in his first public appearance since being fired by NBC for allegations of "inappropriate sexual behavior."

Social media reacts

Users across social media had plenty of opinions on Romy's situation.

"Sigh… as bright as her dad," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "No pen and paper for a note, so she left the plate."

Others suggested that because of her legal representation and her father's former celebrity status that like many other children of similar people, she'll probably be let off easy.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson