Model who killed herself at 18 had visited Epstein's island 2 years prior

 January 6, 2024

The release of the list of Jeffrey Epstein's associates has sparked countless new questions regarding the people who were with him on his infamous island where treacherous, illegal acts took place.

According to the Daily Caller, court documents obtained by the outlet revealed a startling new revelation regarding the famous and deceased model Ruslana Korshunova.

Korshunova committed suicide when she was 18, just two years after she had flown on Epstein's "Lolita Express" private plane to his Little St. James Island in 2006.

Notably, her trip to the island was also just weeks before Epstein was first arrested an convicted of sex crimes in Florida.

What happened?

The Daily Caller recounted the circumstances surrounding her death in 2008.

"Korshunova died at 20 by cutting a hole in construction mesh covering her ninth floor balcony and plunging to her death, the New York Post reported at the time. A high-profile model born in Kazakhstan to Russian parents, she struggled with work-life balance and her love life prior to her death, the outlet reported," the outlet reported.

In 2011, Virginia Giuffre, a well-known Epstein accuser, received an email from attorney Brad Edwards that inquired about the model and her death.

Edwards was curious if she recognized the young model.

“I think it’s a long shot you would recognize her, but read the article I attached and then look at the pictures and see if you recognize her,” Edwards wrote.

"I am sorry to hear the news of Ruslana, and my condolences are with her family and friends," Giuffre responded. "I can say that I have never had any meetings with her, sorry not to be of any help there," she added.]

More documents

Additional documents related to Epstein have been released over the past several days, with more to come.

The Daily Caller noted:

The first set of Epstein documents was unsealed Wednesday night and featured former President Bill Clinton, disgraced Prince Andrew, pop music legend Michael Jackson, physicist Stephen Hawking, business magnate Tom Pritzker and other notable names.

The release of the documents have launched numerous inquiries into the people who were named, and raised questions about their level of involvement with Epstein.

Only time will tell what else comes out of it. With the number of independent journalists working the new information 24/7, it'll be fascinating to see what's ultimately revealed.


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