Nancy Pelosi 'working the phones' to drum up support from Dems to push Biden out

 July 19, 2024

In the wake of his humiliating debate with former President Donald Trump that sparked an initial wave of calls for him to step down, President Joe Biden caught a brief break in the chaos due to the assassination attempt on Trump's life. 

But now that the smoke has cleared from that nightmare, Biden is back on the chopping block in a big way.

A brutal number of high-profile Democrats have now called on the elderly president to step down and give the party at least a little bit of a chance to win in November.

One of those Democrats is none other than former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who is reportedly behind a major push to convince Biden to step down.

What's going on?

In an unbelievable report from Politico, it was noted that Pelosi has been "working the phones" non-stop since June 27 in an effort to convince other Democrats that Biden has to go.

She's reportedly attempted to find a way to "ease" Biden off the ticket, obviously to limit embarrassment for the party as a whole, as they've been running cover for Biden for years.

Politico noted:

One of her colleagues was struck to see her chatting, furtively but openly, with Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries last week in a corner of the House Democratic cloakroom in plain sight of a dozen lawmakers.

The outlet wrote, "But I’m told by people familiar with the exchanges that she’s stage-managed phone calls to Jeffries, plotted strategy with the biggest names in Democratic politics and told one former elected official bluntly that Biden’s legacy can’t be destroying their party."

In a separate Politico report, the former speaker has been directly blunt with 81-year-old Biden, saying he's "dragging down" Democrats in what was described as an "extraordinarily candid confrontation."

The report added:

Pelosi also warned Biden that some Democratic lawmakers would start to grow louder in their griping about his political weaknesses, according to two people close to Pelosi. She urged the president to make a decision about stepping down soon.

Public call out?

One ally of Pelosi's said that she wouldn't be afraid to publicly call Biden out in an attempt to pressure him to resign.

"The speaker does not want to call on him to resign, but she will do everything in her power to make sure it happens," the Pelosi ally reportedly said.

Another Pelosi ally said, “There’s nothing subtle about Nancy... "She starts with the question: ‘What’s it take to win?’ Then works backwards."

Many political observers are growing certain that Biden will be out sooner than later.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson