NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson suffers burns at campaign event amid continued controversy

 September 29, 2024

Things for North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson seem to keep going from bad to worse, as evidenced by an incident that occurred while he was on the gubernatorial campaign trail on Friday.

Robinson suffered second-degree burns during an appearance at the Mayberry Truck Show and Parade in Mount Airy, as ABC News reports, adding to the troubles he has faced since potentially candidacy-ending allegations emerged regarding offensive online posts from his past.

Robinson hospitalized

CNN noted that Robinson sustained burn injuries while attempting to disembark from a large truck in which he was riding at the aforementioned community event.

Speaking at a subsequent campaign stop, Robinson recounted the unfortunate series of events that led him to the hospital the day before, saying, “I was getting out of the truck and several of my fans and supporters were coming around the truck. I was trying to get out without running into them and doggone if I didn't lay my hand on that tailpipe, the exhaust pipe."

The GOP gubernatorial hopeful continued, “I am fine. It is just a minor second-degree burn, and it is just fine.”

In the immediate aftermath of the incident, Robinson's campaign communications chief, Mike Lonergan, issued a statement indicating that the lieutenant governor was “in good spirits, appreciates the outpouring of well wishes” and had plans to “return to the campaign trail as scheduled first thing tomorrow morning,” which he did.

Online posting controversy plagues campaign

The truck show incident was the latest setback for Robinson's floundering campaign, which was beset in recent days by a controversy regarding accusations about inflammatory online conduct from his past.

Robinson stands accused of making offensive remarks on a message board linked to a pornography website over ten years ago, comments described as being of a lewd and racially insensitive nature.

In the wake of the emergence of those claims, a number of Robinson's staffers have left the campaign, including a key consultant and senior advisor, his finance advisor, campaign manager, and a deputy campaign manager.

Though Robinson has denied the allegations against him, a recent poll suggests that they have taken a clear toll on his election prospects, with Democratic Party opponent Josh Stein reportedly now leading the Republican by a margin of 53% to 36% among the state's likely voters.

Robinson vows to fight back

For his part, Robinson has remained defiant in the face of the salacious claims leveled against him, threatening to take legal action against CNN for publishing the allegations in the first place, as The Hill reports.

When asked whether he planned to prove the falsity of the allegations publicized the cable news giant, Robinson replied, “We absolutely are.”

Signaling potential legal action, Robinson added, “We are in talks right now, everything up to legal counsel to take CNN to task for what they have done to us. We are going after them, OK? We are going to go after them for what they've done.”

Robinson urged the media to focus on what he believes are far more important issues, such as the integrity of the southern border, but whether he will be able to repair the damage that appears to have already been done to his hopes of claiming the governor's mansion, only time will tell.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson