New York appeal court refuses to lift gag order on Trump

 August 2, 2024

The Democrat judges who run New York's kangaroo courts have once again refused to lift an unconstitutional gag order on Donald Trump as he campaigns for the presidency.

The state's mid-level appeals court denied Trump's request, despite his criminal trial being over already. The ruling just vindicates what Trump has been saying about the abuse of the legal system to interfere in the election.

Trump gag order decision

Trump's lawyers have argued the gag order is no longer justified now that the trial is over, and that its continued enforcement is a burden on Trump's free speech as he campaigns for the presidency.

As everybody knows, the Democrats' presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, has been attacking Trump over his New York conviction with a "prosecutor versus felon" narrative.

But the New York appeals court thinks Trump's gag order is still necessary until his September sentencing to uphold the "fair administration of justice."

The ruling is particularly concerning given ties between the trial judge's family and Harris. The daughter of judge Juan Merchan performed work for Harris through a Democratic consulting company.

Merchan imposed the gag order prior to the trial and expanded it to include his family after Trump started criticizing the judge's daughter.

The judge threatened to jail Trump for violating the gag order and fined him $10,000. Merchan narrowed the order's scope after the trial but declined to lift it entirely.

"Blatantly un-American"

Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said the continuation of Merchan's "blatantly un-American" gag order prevents Trump from speaking about Merchan's conflicts and "evidence further exposing the Harris-Biden Witch Hunt."

"President Trump continues to forcefully challenge Acting Justice Merchan’s decision to leave in place portions of the unconstitutional Gag Order, which is meant to prevent President Trump from speaking freely about Judge Merchan’s disqualifying conflicts and the overwhelming evidence further exposing the Harris-Biden Witch Hunt."

"The gag order is blatantly un-American as it continues to gag President Trump, the leading candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election," the statement said.

The sentencing was initially set for July, but it was delayed after the Supreme Court's ruling on immunity. Trump has cited the ruling to challenge the conviction, saying it was based on inadmissible evidence.

Trump has also redoubled a request for Merchan to recuse himself over his daughter's ties to Harris. Unfortunately, the odds of that happening appear to be close to zero.

It's such a shame what partisan Democrats have done to our justice system.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson