New York City fire commissioner resigns after investigating own firefighters

 August 13, 2024

The firefighters of New York City are certainly going to be happy about this news.

Laura Kavanagh has announced her resignation from the position of New York City fire commissioner.

Kavanagh's tenure at the top of the New York City firefighter pyramid has been marred by a series of scandals, such as allegations as "ageism" and unfairly investigating her own firefighters after they heckled New York State AG, Letitia James.

Kavanagh's tenure.

Laura Kavanagh lasted less than three years on the job. It's not surprising when you consider all of the scandals she's already been through.

Even though Kavanagh didn't resign until July, tensions had been brewing for quite some time. In March 2024, Kavanagh was called a "fascist pitbull" for launching an investigation on her own brave firefighters of New York City because they didn't agree with everything being said by their liberal Attorney General, Letitia James.

The James incident.

You don't even have to care about which side of the aisle Letitia James is on to understand that she is NOT a good egg. She's clearly weaponized America's justice system in a way it was never intended to be used, as evidenced by the witch hunt she authorized against Donald Trump in New York.

A few months before Kavanagh's resignation, her liberal ally Letitia James was speaking at an event when some firefighters decided to utilize their right for free speech and boo New York's corrupt attorney general.

A video of the event indicates that the firefighters were yelling Donald Trump's name in support of the former president after Letitia James okayed several legal attacks against America's former president.

Letitia James did not appreciate the heckling at the event, demanding that the firefighters "simmer down." The incident apparently really upset James, as Kavanagh launched an investigation into the incident.

It really is shocking to learn that some of the people who these politicians expect to lay their lives on the line every day do not enjoy the free speech that our founding fathers knew they deserved.

Why should firefighters and police and the military be putting their lives at risk to protect politicians like Letitia James who will just turn on them in an instant as soon as they don't comply with everything that she says.

"BITS is investigating this, so they will figure out who the members are," the FDNY Chief of Department wrote. "I recommend they come forward. I have been told by the commissioner it will be better for them if they come forward and we don’t have to hunt them down."

"The [deputy chiefs] shall direct the captain of the company to make a list of those who come forward and send it directly to [FDNY operations]. I realize members might not come forward but they should know that there is clear video of the entire incident and they will be contacted by BITS if they don’t," the chief concluded.

It really is sick that Kavanagh was so willing to throw some of the bravest people in America under the bus for political gain just because liberals in New York want literally ZERO opposition to their causes.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson