New York Post reveals how 'easy' it is to get line-of-sight on Donald Trump at his Florida golf course

 September 17, 2024

Former President Donald Trump survived yet another attempt on his life thanks to a radical, left-wing lunatic being detected on his golf course. 

But many are criticizing Trump's security detail for allowing the man, armed with an SKS rifle and a GoPro camera, to get so close to the former president while he was shooting a round of golf.

According to a New York Post exclusive, the gunman exploited a security hole that the U.S. Secret Service has known about for "years," allowing him to get within an effective kill range of the former president.

The Post revealed that their own photographers and journalists, along with others from virtually every other media outlet, have known how to secure spots around the West Palm Beach golf course's perimeter in order to obtain photographs of the president and his family.

What's going on?

The outlet noted that its photographers have, on many occasions, been able to secure a clear line-of-sight at Trump's Florida golf course to snap photos of him playing or even driving around on a golf cart, using a telephoto lens.

Some photographers have even come within 75 yards of the former president at his golf course, and the Secret Service detail protecting him didn't even glance.

One photo agency told the outlet, "They’re always amazed how close they can get to Trump and his entourage — it’s easy for them."

The Post noted:

Photographers typically announce themselves to the Secret Service so they are not mistaken for threats, but the source said agents are easy enough to evade.

Sources told the Washington Post that the Secret Service knew about the security risk, and tried to warn Trump about it — but he believed his golf clubs were safe.

Ryan Wesley Routh, the would-be Trump assassin arrested on the golf course, had reportedly camped out in a sniper position some 12 hours before he was ultimately spotted. Luckily, he wasn't able to fire off any rounds.

The latest reports indicated that he was within 300-500 yards of the former president while he was playing golf -- a range in which he could have easily used his SKS rifle to assassinate Trump.

"Shockingly easily"

The source told The Post that anyone can secure "covert" spots along the perimeter of the golf course "shockingly easily."

The outlet noted:

In areas where there’s no obvious break in the tree line, dedicated snoops can still sneak a view of the course. Some of the lighter flora can simply be pulled apart by hand, easily creating new gaps where just about anyone can watch golfers in action without being seen, the source said.

One would hope that at this point, given such information is publicly available, that the Secret Service will act appropriately.

Only time will tell.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson