New York Times exposes Biden health coverup, suggests resignation

 August 11, 2024

The New York Times's Ross Douthat has just published a piece exposing the coverup of President Joe Biden's failing health. 

In the process, Douthat suggested that there are multiple reasons why Biden, by now, ought to have resigned - although, the author stops short of actually calling on Biden to step down.

There are two things here that really garner attention. One is the widespread coverup to hide from the American public the truth about Biden's health. And, the other is the fact that the leftist New York Times is actually calling out this coverup.

Perhaps, though, the latter is not that surprising, considering that the Times played a major role in getting Biden to end his reelection campaign.

How is that Biden is still president?

Given what we now know, this is a legitimate question. Douthat, in his piece, highlights some of the information that we learned about Biden during the Democrats' push to get Biden to end his reelection campaign.

He writes:

For instance, we learned that Biden hadn’t held a full cabinet meeting since last October and that his handlers expected scripted questions from his cabinet officials. We learned that his capacities peak between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. and diminish outside that six-hour window. We learned that congressional Democrats, liberal donors and some journalists all had exposure to Biden’s decline that they didn’t discuss publicly until the debacle of the June debate. We learned that none other than Hunter Biden was acting as a close adviser to his father in the crucial days after that debate.

Despite all of this, there is still a lot that we do not know about the situation, and it is appearing more and more likely that we might never know.

Nonetheless, this information legitimizes questions about Biden's health and questions about whether Biden ought to be running the country.

And, the question that we are left with is "How is it that Biden is still president?"

Here's the answer:

According to Douthat, Biden is still the president because he essentially made a deal with those who forced him to end his reelection campaign.

Douthat writes:

Instead, we’re getting the fulfillment of the bargain that was implicitly offered to Biden by his fellow Democrats — that by bowing out he would trade the shadow of scandal for the halo of self-sacrifice and coast through the final days as his party’s Cincinnatus, nobly returning to the plow (or the Delaware beach, as may be).

Indeed, Biden spent much time at the beach this past weekend.

The interesting bit, though, is not only that the American people are not calling for Biden's resignation - given what we now know - but that the Democrats also are not calling for Biden's resignation - especially considering that it would be helpful to Vice President Kamala Harris's presidential run.

Instead, as Douthat puts it, "There is still a Biden scandal" that Democrats are allowing to lurk in the background.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson