North Carolina board files appeal to try to keep RFK Jr. on presidential ballots

 September 9, 2024

North Carolina's Board of Elections is now fighting to keep Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on their state's presidential ballots. 

The appeal, according to the local outlet WNCN, has been filed with the North Carolina Supreme Court.

One cannot overemphasize how big of an impact this could have on the coming presidential election between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Kennedy suspended his independent presidential campaign to back Trump because internal polling was showing that Kennedy was taking more votes away from Trump than from Harris, and he did not want Harris to win.

Here's what is going on:

Kennedy has been trying to get his name removed from the ballots of swing states, reasoning that those are the states where it really matters. North Carolina is among these states.

The New York Post recently reported:

State courts of appeal in both battlegrounds [North Carolina and Michigan] honored RFK Jr.’s request to be removed from the ballot, which Democrats have been vehemently fighting ever since the independent’s August 23 withdrawal and subsequent endorsement of the Republican nominee.

The outlet goes on to note something extremely ironic, which is that, prior to this, Democrats were actually fighting to get Kennedy's name removed from ballots. They have only switched to trying to keep him on the ballots because they now know that Kennedy is hurting Trump more than Harris.

The good news, from Kennedy and Trump's perspective, is that some states, like North Carolina, have agreed to remove him from their ballots.

The bad news is that the legal battle is far from over.

The latest

WNCN reports that North Carolina's Board of Elections is now appealing the lower court's ruling to the North Carolina Supreme Court.

Per the outlet:

The state Board of Elections filed the petition with the North Carolina Supreme Court Friday afternoon, hours after the state Court of Appeals ordered Kennedy’s name removed from ballots and blocked ballots with his name on them from being sent out.

We are now waiting to see what the state Supreme Court will decide.

Meanwhile, Kennedy continues to try to get his name removed from ballots in other states. Initially, he was only trying to get his name removed from swing state ballots, but now he has expanded the effort to other states as well.

In a recent fundraising email, Kennedy told supporters:

No matter what state you live in, I urge you to vote for Donald Trump. The reason is that is the only way we can get me and everything I stand for into Washington D.C. and fulfill the mission that motivated my campaign.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson