Obama is accused of running Harris's presidential campaign

 August 12, 2024

Former President Barack Obama is now being accused of secretly running Vice President Kamala Harris's presidential campaign. 

The accusation, according to the New York Post, comes from Kevin McCarthy, the former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.

McCarthy made the claim during a recent interview that he did on 770 WABC's The Cats Roundtable. 

McCarthy did not just make the claim, either. He provided some evidence to back it up.

"The Obamas [are] shifting"

The reason why McCarthy believes that Obama is running Harris's presidential campaign is because several Obama personnel have recently gone from working in the White House to working for Harris's campaign.

"If you’re watching the campaign now, some of Obama’s [key people such as] David Plouffe and others are now working on the campaign," McCarthy said.

He added, "You’re getting the Obamas shifting from running the White House to now running this campaign."

If this is true - that Obama is now running Harris's campaign - then it will not come as much of a surprise to many.

There have long been credible claims that Obama, either directly or by proxy, has been running the Biden administration. There have been credible claims that Obama played a pivotal role in getting Biden to withdraw his reelection campaign. Accordingly, it would not be surprising if Obama is now trying to get Harris over the finishing line.

Here are the details

Reporting in recent weeks has substantiated what McCarthy said in the above interview, namely, that Obama people have joined Harris's campaign.

Reuters, for example, reported, "Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign has added three new senior advisers, including top strategists who guided Democratic former President Barack Obama's two winning U.S. presidential bids, a source with direct knowledge said on Friday."

That top strategist is David Plouffe. The outlet goes on to highlight the addition to Harris's team of Stephanie Cutter, "a Democratic communications veteran who previously served as Obama's White House communications director and deputy campaign manager."

The outlet then goes on to highlight the addition of several other Obama "alums," including, Mitch Stewart, David Binder, and Jen O'Malley Dillon. But, this is still not the end of it. The Post calls attention to several others, including former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Jennifer Palmieri, and others.

It is clear that this team is working to get Harris elected. But, the better question is who are they working for - Harris or Obama?

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson