Obama-linked photographer gets caught deleting attacks on Trump

 July 29, 2024

The Obama administration's chief White House photographer was recently caught deleting his entire X account.

Mediaite reports that Pete Souza did so on Saturday.

Now, there are not that many reasons why a public figure would delete his or her X account.

One of the most common reasons is that the public figure is deleting the account because he or she has something to hide, and this appears to be the case with Souza.

The leadup

It turns out that, before deleting his X account, Souza was one of those individuals who supported a left-wing conspiracy theory about the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump's life.

"The legendary photographer appeared to endorse a conspiracy theory that Trump was not wounded in the ear when the FBI said he was grazed in the community of Butler on July 13 by a bullet fired by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks," Mediaite reports.

There have been many individuals who have espoused this theory, including FBI Director Christopher Wray. During testimony before Congress, Wray said:

With respect to former President Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear.

Wray received so much criticism for the statement that the FBI was forced to subsequently put out a statement saying, unequivocally, that Trump was indeed struck in the ear by a bullet.

Souza, though, took a different approach to the situation.

"Look closely"

At the time of this writing, if you were to try to look up Pete Souza's account on X, you would be brought to a page that states, "This account doesn't exist. Try searching for another."

This is the page that comes up when an X user deletes his or her account.

Mediaite was able to view Souza's account before he deleted it, and the outlet reports that the following is one of the last messages that he posted:

Souza shared an Associated Press image of Trump boarding an airplane with no visible scarring, redness, or bandage on the affected ear. The image was taken Saturday morning as Trump prepared to speak to crowds in both Tennessee and Minnesota. He commented, “AP photo this morning. Look closely at his ear that was ‘hit’ by a bullet from a AR-15 assault rifle.”

It is unclear what happened between this message and the deletion of his account. It is also unclear if criticism of this post is what caused Souza to delete his account.

Souza has not released a statement on the matter.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson