Review of online commentary about DA Bragg finds majority are negative and critical of his policies and Trump prosecution

 June 30, 2024

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has been hailed as a hero by many on the ideological left for his progressive policies and successful, for now, prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

That hasn't won him many fans on the right or the center, though, as recent analysis revealed that a majority of references to Bragg in news articles or on social media have been decidedly critical and negative, according to the New York Post.

In fact, the outlet noted that the Manhattan prosecutor has been "slammed" in hundreds of thousands of online posts, with the bulk of those critiques based on his indictment and conviction of Trump for alleged "crimes" related to the reimbursement of a 2016 hush money payment.

Majority of references are negative

The Post recently obtained the services of a professional research company known as RILA Global Consulting to conduct a review of online mentions of DA Bragg and whether those references were positive or negative.

The company reviewed more than 483,000 posts over a three-month period that mentioned Bragg in various online articles, discussions, forums, and social media posts, and found that at least 56% of those references to the prosecutor were negative.

The complaints against the Democratic prosecutor largely centered on his various policy failures as a prosecutor, including his lax treatment of violent criminals and repeat offenders, or his refusal to bring charges against leftist protesters, as well as his prosecution of the former Republican president and presumptive GOP nominee in an election year.

Indeed, the data compiled by RILA showed that of all of the negative commentary about Bragg over the past three months, approximately 60% of it concerned Bragg's prosecution and conviction of Trump on seemingly politically motivated criminal charges.

Some have gone too far with death threats and racist harassment

Unfortunately, while DA Bragg has certainly earned his fair share of criticism through his own partisan actions and agenda, some of it has crossed the line of social acceptability and gone too far, according to a report earlier this month from the New York Daily News.

In the few weeks that have elapsed since Trump's conviction, Bragg and his office have been "deluged" with death threats and racist harassment from angry individuals across the country, some rather explicit in nature.

Bragg and others, such as presiding Judge Juan Merchan, had already been the recipient of an untold number of such threats and harassment since he first indicted Trump last year. The flood of harassing and threatening messages resulted in increased security for Bragg and were part of the justification from prosecutors for the gag order against Trump. However, Bragg and Merchan were exempted from that limitation on Trump's free speech rights.

Soft on actual criminals but hard on Trump

Setting aside the unacceptable death threats and racist harassment, Newsweek reported in March 2023 that DA Bragg was rightly facing sharp scrutiny and criticism for his day-to-day "soft-on-crime" policies in comparison to his hard-nosed approach toward investigating and prosecuting former President Trump.

Bragg had made it clear when he first entered office in January 2022 that his office would not waste time and resources on prosecuting routine major crimes that occurred within his jurisdiction of Manhattan, with the rates of many of those crimes growing predictably worse during his tenure.

At that same time that Bragg took a light touch with career criminals and violent offenders and disruptive leftist protesters, his office devoted an inordinate amount of time and resources to digging under every rock and searching every corner for any evidence of any crime that might be useful in going after Trump.

By no means does Bragg deserve to be threatened with violence or death, and attacks based on immutable characteristics like his race are contemptible and unnecessary, especially when his actions and ideology present a plethora of opportunities for the justifiable and earned criticisms he has received from hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans.

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