Poll shows Trump with solid lead in GOP primary race

 April 24, 2023

A recent poll has former President Donald Trump winning next year's Republican primary race by a significant margin. 

According to NBC News, the survey was conducted between April 14 and April 18 by Democrat Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research and Republican Bill McInturff Public Opinion Strategies.

Trump has double-digit lead over nearest competitor

It found that Trump is supported by 46% of Republican primary voters, putting him 15 points ahead of Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. In contrast, none of the other five names mentioned had double-digit support levels.

The poll also reported that Trump's indictment earlier this month by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has not dissuaded Republican voters from backing him.

Sixty-eight percent believed Bragg's actions are part of a politically motivated strategy to sabotage Trump's campaign and provide a new reason to support him.

On the other hand, just 26% of GOP voters think Trump's criminal charges show why the party should nominate someone else.

Just over half of Democrats think Biden should not run for another term

However, the results are significantly different when voters in general are asked about the issue. The survey found that only 43% believe Trump is being unfairly targeted compared to 52% who think he is being treated as any other American would be.

President Joe Biden did not fare well in the poll, as 70% of respondents said he should not seek another term in office, a figure which included 51% of Democrats.

A large part of Biden's problem is the perception that he is too old for the White House, with 48% of those who oppose his candidacy indicating that age is a "major" factor.

"The president needs to reflect the age group in the country," said one Democrat who argued that both Biden and Trump should back down.

Biden's approval rating down from January poll

While Trump's numbers were also underwater, he still performed better than Biden did: 60% of respondents said Trump should not run again, a view shared by roughly one third of Republicans.

What's more, only 41% of registered voters say that they will "definitely or probably" cast a ballot for Biden whereas 47% say the same about whomever the Republican nominee turns out to be.

Eighty-eight percent of Democrats say they will "definitely or probably" vote for Biden, a number which dropped to 22% for independent voters and 3% for Republicans.

Biden's overall job approval has also gone down since a similar poll was conducted in January, dropping to 45% from 41%.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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