Report alleges that Kellyanne Conway is attempting to undermine J.D. Vance

 August 4, 2024

Democrats have been going after Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance ever since he was picked as former President Donald Trump's running mate.

However, a new report charges that some of the attacks are coming from former Trump White House advisor 2016 campaign manager Kellyanne Conway.

Conway denies that she is trying to undermine Vance

That's according to Marc A. Caputo, who is a contributor for the anti-Trump website The Bulwark. He wrote in an article published this past week that Conway is "at the center of the friction" concerning Vance.

Conway denied that this is the case, telling Caputo, "When it comes to concerned people questioning the vetting or selection of JD Vance, the calls are coming in, not going out."

"I'm not calling them and saying this is bad. People are asking me. They're not just asking me. They’re asking lots of people," the former campaign manager insisted.

Conway went on to tell Caputo that the allegations about her attacking Vance are being spread by "gossip girls" and "ankle biters" that resent the success she has had.

Yet Caputo asserted that he has spoken with "twenty Trump campaign staffers, allies, confidants, and advisers" who say Trump is happy to have Vance as his running mate.

Source claims Donald Trump Jr. is "p---ed off" over Conway's meddling

What's more, Caputo further claimed that "more than a dozen of those sources volunteered" suggested "without prompting" that Conway is working to undermine Vance.

One individual who was characterized as being "a Trump confidant" explained that the former president "100%" believes Conway is behind the dissension.

Another figure said to be a confidant of Donald Trump Jr. explained that he has gotten "p---ed off" over Conway's behind-the-scenes  meddling.

However, an unnamed Trump family member was quoted as telling Caputo that "the family in general thinks very highly" of the former president's one-time campaign manager.

Vance says those calling him "weird" are engaged in "projection"

While Vance has not addressed the alleged criticism from Conway, he did take aim at his Democratic opponents during an interview on Sunday with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo.

When Bartiromo brought up the fact that Democrats have attempted to label Vance as "weird," the senator dismissed their efforts as "projection."

He pointed out that the accusation is largely coming "from people who want to give transgender hormones to nine-year-old kids and want biological males to play in women's sports."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson