Secret meetings between Biden and Obama kept out of White House visitor logs

 June 26, 2024

New York Magazine reported this week that former President Barack Obama is experiencing "anxiety" over President Joe Biden's chances in this year's election.

Yet while the publication states that Obama has been having regular strategy sessions with Biden, White House visitor logs suggest the president is desperate to keep them a secret. 

No official record of meetings

According to New York Magazine, lunches between Obama and Biden "lunches tend to be unannounced to anyone but need-to-know-level aides" and staff are typically barred from participating.

If such meals are indeed happening, then they are taking place without any official record, as a search of the White House visitor logs shows no recent visits by Obama.

That is despite a pledge on the White House website that "President Biden is reinstating a policy to voluntarily disclose White House visitor logs."

"These logs will include appointment information for individuals who have been processed to enter the White House complex, including the White House, Eisenhower Executive Office Building, and New Executive Office Building," the pledge adds.

While an exception is made for "purely personal guests of the First and Second Families," the exception only applies to "visits that do not involve any official or political business."

Obama helped lead Biden off stage at fundraiser

If the New York Magazine article is to be believe, then Obama's visits are packed full of political business as the former president "is increasingly involved in Biden’s campaign."

Obama's involvement isn't confined to off the record meetings, as the New York Post reported that he had to help lead Biden off stage earlier this month after the president appeared to freeze up at a Los Angeles fundraiser.

"I take great pride in what the Biden administration has accomplished," Fox News quoted Obama as saying at the event, which also featured celebrities like late-night host Jimmy Kimmel.

Left-leaning pollster says odds favor Trump

"And it's a reminder that we don't have to just vote against something in this election. We have somebody to worry about. And there's a whole agenda that we should be concerned about," Obama added.

Polling data suggest Obama has good reason to be worried, as a survey aggregate maintained by Real Clear Politics puts Biden 1.3% behind former President Donald Trump.

What's more, left-leaning pollster Nate Silver announced on Thursday that his computer model shows "the odds are in the ex-president’s favor."

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