Sen. Chris Coons voted for spending bill despite not knowing what it contains

 December 26, 2022

In a bizarre moment late last week, Delaware Democratic Sen. Chris Coons said he was "proud" to have voted for a bill despite not knowing what was in it. 

According to Breitbart, Coons made that statement on Friday while speaking about his decision to support the recently passed $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill.

Coons doesn't "know exactly"

"I voted for the omnibus and I’m proud to support it, but I don’t like the process," Coons admitted to Joe Kernen, who hosts CNBC's "Squawk Box."

"And a bipartisan group of senators on the floor of the Senate were talking about how we can change this process going forward," he continued.

"Because frankly…when it all comes to the floor in the last few days and the last few hours, that doesn’t give us enough time to fully scrub and understand what other members have put in it," Coons acknowledged.

"I understand that I’m responsible and so [are] my colleagues, the congressional delegation, for the congressionally-directed spending for Delaware, but I don’t know exactly what every other member of the Senate has put in the bill," the Democratic lawmaker stressed.

"So, frankly, it’s important for us to change the timing, to get back to following what’s in the law in terms of having open hearings early in the year, not late in the year," he concluded.

Sen. Mike Lee calls bill "extortion"

Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee has also expressed disapproval over how the legislation was put together, yet rather than support the bill, he blasted it as being an example of "extortion" during a speech last week from the Senate floor.

"This bill before us is legislative barbarism. This is an act of extortion being leveraged on the United States Senate right before Christmas," Lee complained.

"This bill, in all 4,155 pages of its glory – or infamy – was negotiated in secret by four or five members of Congress," the conservative senator declared. "They wrote it utterly in secret with the design of making an artificial emergency, threatening a shutdown right before Christmas."

In addition to providing $45 billion worth of additional aid to Ukraine, the conservative Heritage Foundation pointed in a report that the bill contained a hodgepodge of new spending initiatives.

Among them were $1.2 million for "LGBTQIA+ Pride Centers" and another $1.2 million $3 million for the American LGBTQ+ Museum in New York City. Also included was nearly half a million dollars for "antiracism virtual labs."

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