Pennsylvania Gov. Shapiro, the leading contender to be VP Harris' running mate, cancels planned fundraiser events in NY

 August 2, 2024

Though nothing official has been announced, there is growing consensus among the media and political commentators that Vice President Kamala Harris is on the verge of selecting Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to be her running mate in November's presidential election.

That latest indication that such speculation may be true is the revelation that Shapiro just canceled several previously scheduled fundraising events over the weekend for his own re-election campaign, Fox News reported.

Shapiro cancels previously scheduled fundraising trip to New York

The Democratic Pennsylvania governor was supposed to have appeared at a trio of fundraiser events in the Hamptons this weekend, a particularly wealthy and Democrat-leaning area of New York.

No clear explanation was given for the cancelations, which occurred just days before VP Harris is expected to announce her choice for a running mate early next week ahead of a rally in Philadelphia.

"The governor’s trip was planned several weeks ago and included several fund-raisers for his own campaign committee," a spokesman for Shapiro, Manuel Bonder, said in a statement. "His schedule has changed, and he is no longer traveling to the Hamptons this weekend."

VP pick expected to be announced ahead of planned campaign rally in Philly

Politico reported earlier in the week that VP Harris was expected to reveal who her presumptive vice presidential nominee would be ahead of a series of campaign rallies scheduled for next week that will kick off in Pennsylvania with an event in Philadelphia.

Per the Harris campaign, the candidate and her newly announced running mate will travel to seven critical swing states in four days, beginning in Philly before continuing on to Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada.

Given that the first major campaign swing for Harris will begin in Pennsylvania, paired with the fact that Gov. Shapiro has routinely been mentioned as a top contender to be her sidekick for the election, speculation has been fueled that the choice has already been made and that a public announcement is merely a matter of timing.

"If Harris chooses Shapiro as her running mate, Philadelphia would make an obvious place to roll out the news, given that he hails from the area’s suburbs," Politico observed. "But it’s also a diverse, vote-rich city that every presidential nominee must tend to thanks to the state’s 19 electoral votes, and it’s possible Harris’ plans don’t signal anything beyond that."

Harris campaign trying to beat the imposition of a certain federal rule limiting fundraising

Yet, that is not the only indicator pointing to Gov. Shapiro being VP Harris' selection as running mate, as Axios reported this week that the Harris campaign, in calls to prospective donors on Wall Street urging swift donations, has cited a particular rule that limits contributions from financial sector employees to elected state officials, such as sitting governors.

The presumption here is that the campaign wants to receive those donations no later than this weekend, before her running mate is announced and, if that person is a sitting governor, a Securities and Exchange Commission rule kicks in to restrict future contributions.

The SEC rule, which is typically strictly enforced by campaigns and compliance officers at financial services firms in addition to the federal agency, is intended to prevent so-called "pay-to-play" schemes involving employees of said firms, which often control billions of dollars in state pension funds and other accounts, from gaining influence and favor over elected state officials.

Leak from local Philly Democrats claims Shapiro will be the pick

Still, another indication that Gov. Shapiro will be VP Harris' pick, according to Newsweek, came from a prominent political writer in Philadelphia, Ernest Owens, who recently shared on social media what he was hearing from his local Democratic sources.

"I'm hearing from Philly Democratic Party members at their weekly luncheon today that Josh Shapiro is going to be Kamala Harris's VP pick and that local unions pulled for him," he said. "Apparently, her campaign is trying to get Wall Street to pour more money before announcing him."

Of course, nearly all of the above-linked articles included the now-standard disclaimer from the Harris campaign that essentially states that the candidate has not yet made her selection and that anybody claiming otherwise has no idea what they are talking about.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson