Some social media users claim VP Harris bused supporters to her rallies

 September 13, 2024

Given that Vice President Kamala Harris was one of the most unpopular Democrats in the party just days before she was crowned the Democratic presidential nominee, it's not a stretch to see that many believe she's bussing in supporters to her rallies. 

That was the claim made across social media for her last rally. Several witnessed what they believe to have been several buses bringing in supporters to make her rallies look more attended than they would be organically.

The last rally she reportedly bused people in for was held in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Some of her rallies after she coronated appeared to be large because they often included an A-list performer.

What's going on?

Unconfirmed reports suggested that Harris was forced to bus in supporters for her last rally in North Carolina.

"BREAKING: The Kamala Harris campaign just got caught BUSSING in thousands of people for her rally in North Carolina. They cheat at everything, and apparently, even crowd sizes," X user George wrote.

He added, "I've been to two Trump rallies in two different states. The people at his rallies are locals from the area and want to be there. What Kamala is doing is bizarre and WEIRD."

While the claims will likely be shot down by her allies in the mainstream media, it's not out of the question that Harris would need to pull such a stunt to make the fake hype around her look somewhat real.

There have been multiple reports of Harris busing in attendees to her rallies.

Social media reacts

While some believed the reports that Harris bused in supporters, others had alternate opinions and views on what happened.

"LMAO, you absolute idiots, you’re obsessed with crowd sizes! The campaign hired shuttle buses to transport people from the parking lot to the event venue because that’s where the parking is. That’s it. The buses are just taking people from the parking lot to the rally," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "They cheated in the debate too. ABC Whistleblower just blew the whistle!

Obviously there are mixed opinions on the situation, and we may never know the truth.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson