Speaker Johnson says Biden impeachment inquiry moving forward after investigation blocked

 December 3, 2023

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said that the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden will go forward following a stonewalling of the investigation against the Biden family.

Johnson shared the remarks during a Saturday interview on "Fox & Friends" addressing the issue.

The remarks

"It's become a necessary step," Johnson said of the impeachment inquiry. "Elise and I both served on the impeachment defense team of Donald Trump twice when the Democrats used it for brazen, partisan political purposes.

"We decried that use of it. This is very different. Remember, we are the rule of law team. We have to do it very methodically," Johnson added.

Enough votes

They're preventing at least two to three [Department of Justice] witnesses from coming forward" and "withheld thousands of pages of evidence," he alleged, according to NBC News.

"So a formal impeachment inquiry vote on the floor will allow us to take it to the next necessary step. And I think it's something we have to do at this juncture," he continued.

The background

"Republicans have spent months investigating Biden and his son Hunter’s business dealings, hoping to find improprieties they could use as the basis for impeachment," the Guardian reported.

"The full House has not yet voted to formally authorize an impeachment inquiry, as some Republicans have publicly expressed doubts about whether there is enough evidence to justify such action," it continued.

The news also comes as Republicans also deal with the loss of Rep. George Santos who was voted out of Congress on Friday following the release of a report by the Ethics Committee.

The loss will lead to one less seat until a special election can be held to fill the vacant spot in a move that could give Democrats another spot unless conservatives can elect another Republican in the district.

The latest update about the Biden impeachment shows that Johnson is confident the votes are there regardless, with plans moving forward soon to make the inquiry official.


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