Steve Bannon predicts a 'landslide' win for Trump

 July 1, 2024

Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon is predicting a "landslide" victory for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election. 

Bannon made the prediction during an interview that he recently did on ABC's This Week. 

The interview comes as Bannon is about to report to prison for having refused to comply with the highly partisan Jan. 6 committee. Bannon is appealing the contempt of Congress conviction, but, in the meantime, he has been ordered to begin his four-month prison sentence - which he will do on Monday, July 1.

Before reporting to prison, however, Bannon did an interview with ABC's Jonathan Karl.

"100% certainty"

During this interview, Bannon and Karl covered a range of topics. If you are unfamiliar with either Bannon, Karl, or both, they occupy opposite sides of the political spectrum.

This is what made the interview intriguing, but it is also what made it predictable - as Karl, for the most part, used typical leftist attacks against Bannon.

At one point during the interview, Bannon gave his take on the upcoming presidential election between Trump and President Joe Biden. Bannon said that he is expecting a big win for not only Trump but also for other Republicans.

"We have a 100% certainty we could beat [President Joe] Biden and beat him big and take the Senate and pick up seats in the House," Bannon said.

From there, the interview turned to what Americans ought to expect from another Trump administration.


If you have been following the criminal prosecutions of Trump, then you know that many believe these prosecutions to be political in nature. The claim is that the Democrats have weaponized the legal system against Trump.

A big question going forward is, if Trump wins the presidency in November, whether he would return the favor and weaponize the legal system against the Democrats. Karl put the question to Bannon, specifically asking whether Trump will seek "retribution."

Bannon answered in the negative, saying that he thinks certain individuals ought to be investigated and that investigating is "not retribution."

Bannon said that Trump's "retribution is a very successful, more successful second term." He added, "What we're saying is we want justice. We want to have full investigations, and then if criminal charges come up, then criminal charges come up."

Karl, though, wasn't buying it, and, instead, he did what many on the left are currently trying to do, namely, scare people away from voting for Trump based on the idea that he will run the country as a dictator would.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
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