Trump calls Harris a 'defective person'

 September 1, 2024

Former President Donald Trump is arguing that Vice President Kamala Harris is a "defective person." 

This comes, according to Just the News, after Harris gave her first official interview as the Democratic Party's 2024 presidential nominee

The interview came nearly 40 days after Harris was made the nominee, and it has not done a lot to address the criticisms that Harris has faced for avoiding the press.

Trump weighed in on Harris's performance on Friday, Aug. 30, 2024.

"Defective person"

The former president gave his opinion of Harris's performance in the interview during his appearance at the Mom's For Liberty summit in Washington, D.C.

There, Trump suggested that, whether or not Harris is good at interviews, doing interviews is better than not doing them.

"[Harris] didn't do a lot of interviews, but she's not good at it, I guess. I think she would have been better off if she just did interviews, even if they weren't great," Trump said.

He added, "It would have been better because now everyone's watching, and now we see she's defective. She's a defective person, and we don't need another defective person as President of the United States, we just had that."

Trump, of course, was referring to President Joe Biden, the man whom the Democrats forced to withdraw his reelection bid.

"My values have not changed"

The part of Harris's interview that has garnered the most attention is her claim that her "values have not changed," despite all of the recent changes that she has made to her policy positions.

"I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed," she said.

Trump, on social media, responded to this claim, writing:

I just saw Comrade Kamala Harris’ answer to a very weakly-phrased question, a question that was put in more as a matter of defense than curiosity, but her answer rambled incoherently, and declared her “values haven’t changed.” On that I agree, her values haven’t changed - The Border is going to remain open, not closed, there will be Free Healthcare for Illegal Aliens, Sanctuary Cities, No Cash Bail, Gun Confiscation, Zero Fracking, a Ban on Gasoline-Powered Cars, Private Healthcare will be abolished, a 70-80% tax rate will be put in place, and she will Defund the Police. America will become a WASTELAND!

At the Mom's For Liberty summit, Trump also weighed in on the claim.

There, he said that he would send Harris a "MAGA hat" considering that she now seems to agree with many of his policy positions.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson