Trump reverses position on whether he thinks Biden will be in the race

 July 5, 2024

Former President Donald Trump made an interesting reversal on the upcoming November election with which many now agree.

Last month, in the wake of the first presidential debate, Trump insisted that regardless of Biden's bad debate performance that he would still be the Democratic Party nominee.

However, according to Axios, a recently leaked video showed that the former president now believes Biden will be "quitting the race" ahead of the November election.

The change in his opinion on where Biden will be before November came about after a video of the former president on the golf course was leaked online.

What did he say?

In the leaked video and in true Trump fashion, the former president held nothing back as he excoriated the current president and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Axios noted:

Trump referred to the current president as an “old, broken down pile of crap” and said he couldn't imagine Biden dealing with other leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin or Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The former president tore up VP Harris, saying, "She’s so bad. She’s so pathetic," he adds, plucking at his gloves, then appears to say, "She’s so f***ing bad."

Trump then turned back to how weak Biden is on the world stage, insisting that in no way, shape or form is he able to deal with America's toughest adversaries.

"Can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin? And the president of China—who’s a fierce person. He’s a fierce man, very tough guy. And they see him."

What's next?

Whether or not Trump believes Biden will be in the race by November doesn't matter, because even if they pass the baton to VP Harris, her polling numbers are so bad that it'll likely be an even easier win.

Many have suggested that the DNC will swap Biden out with someone else -- and find some other spot for Harris, a DEI hire -- but experts familiar in what that would take, which would be a logistical nightmare, think it's too much for the party to pull off right now.

Many others have suggested that the best move for the party would be for Biden to voluntarily drop out, though that presents other challenges.

Only time will tell what November looks like.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson