Tucker Carlson announces new show on Twitter

 May 10, 2023

Many of Fox News' viewers were shocked last month to learn that the network had removed star anchor Tucker Carlson suddenly and unceremoniously from its lineup.

However, Carlson's fans were given reason to cheer this week after the conservative commentator revealed that he's coming back. 

Carlson: "The news you consume is a lie"

Carlson made that announcement in a video posted to Twitter on Wednesday which began with an indictment of the mainstream media.

"You often hear people say the news is full of lies. But most of the time that's not exactly right. Much of what you see on television or read in The New York Times is in fact true in the literal sense," he declared.

It could pass one of the media's own 'fact checks.' Lawyers would be willing to sign off on it. In fact, they may have," he continued before adding, "But that doesn't make it true."

"It's not true. At the most basic level, the news you consume is a lie. A lie of the stealthiest and most insidious kind. Facts have been withheld on purpose. Along with proportion and perspective. You are being manipulated," Carlson warned.

New show will debut on Twitter

"How does that work? Let's see. If I tell you that a man has been unjustly arrested for armed robbery, that is not, strictly speaking, a lie," Carlson conceded. "He may have been framed. At this point there has been no trial so no one can really say."

"But if I don't mention the fact that the same man has been arrested for the same crime six times before, am I really informing you? No, I'm not. I'm misleading you. And that's what the mainstream media are doing in every story that matters," he insisted.

Later, Carlson explained that he will soon bring "a new version of the show we’ve been doing for six-and-a-half years to Twitter."

"We’ll bring some other things too, which we’ll tell you about. But for now, we’re just grateful to be here," the conservative host stressed.

Fox News' ratings plunge following Carlson's departure

Although it remains unclear when Carlson's new show will air, one that is clear is that ratings at Fox News have taken a serious hit since his departure.

An article published by the Los Angeles Times last week pointed to Nielsen Media Research figures which showed Fox News' ratings fell by 29.6% in the first week after Carlson's departure.

"Fox News Channel had none of the week’s top 10 cable programs and only three in the 20 — two editions of 'Hannity' and the first edition of 'Fox News Tonight,' the network’s replacement for 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' in the weeknight 8 p.m. time slot," it noted.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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