Utah Rep. Blake Moore succeeds Mike Johnson as House Republican conference vice chair

 November 9, 2023

Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson made headlines when he was elected House speaker late last month. This week saw someone else take over his old job. 

According to Axios, Utah Republican Rep. Blake Moore rose to become vice chair of the House Republican conference on Wednesday.

Moore prevailed over six others in a "crowded" field

The website noted that Moore faced a "crowded race" which also included Minnesota Rep. Michelle Fischbach, New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, Florida Rep. Brian Mast, Missouri Rep. Mark Alford, and Georgia Rep. Mike Collins.

However, the final ballot ultimately came down to a contest between Moore and Texas Republican Rep. Beth Van Duyne.

Axios stressed that as conference vice chair, Moore will "have a seat at the leadership table" as well as "a vote in steering in the new role."

Among his new duties are helping the House GOP chair with developing a messaging strategy along with organizing one-minute House floor speeches.

Vice chair position was previously held by high-profile Republican figures

Axios also recalled how Moore's new position has been held in the past by figures who went on to attain a high profile in Republican politics, including House Appropriations Chair Kay Granger and former Georgia Rep. Doug Collins.

For his part, Moore released a statement via the social media platform previously known as Twitter in which he spoke of being "honored" to have been elected.

"I decided to run for the role of Vice Chair because I believe that an optimistic, conservative message is how we can best win the future," Moore wrote.

Moore says he "can't wait to hit the ground running" in new role

The Utah congressman went on to boast that Republicans enjoy a "a strong and dynamic conference" on which "the future of our country depends."

Moore called on his fellow Republican lawmakers to rally "as a team around the policies that help make the American Dream possible for more families."

He concluded by stating, "I can't wait to hit the ground running and work hard to amplify the many amazing voices of our conference."

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