Video shows Brazilian plane stalled midair before falling deadly crash

 August 10, 2024

Many Brazilians were left devastated this week following a plane crash which claimed the lives of everyone onboard.  

According to Fox News, the plane took off on Friday from Cascavel, which is located in the state of Parana, before later coming down in the Sao Paulo city of Vinhedo .

Plane manufacturer will be "fully engaged" with investigation

It was operated by a regional airline known as Voepass, and Fox News cited a statement it put out which read, "The company regrets to inform that all 61 people on board Flight 2283 died locally."

The plane was a twin-engine turboprop ATR 72-500 which is used for short duration flights, with Fox News reporting that its manufacturer has said it will be "fully engaged to support both the investigation and the customer."

Video footage of the tragedy went viral on social media, and it appeared to show the aircraft halting in midair before going down in a vertical manner.

Arthur Rosenberg is an aviation expert as well as a former pilot, and he told Fox News that the images are indicative of an airliner which had stalled.

Expert: Plane "dropped 17,000 feet in about two minutes"

"A stall is when the plane is not moving through the air fast enough, forward motion, to be able to maintain lift to stay in the air," Rosenberg was quoted as telling Fox News Channel's "The Story."

"The sound tells me there was something wrong with one or both engines," the aeronautical expert went on to explain.

What's more, Rosenberg pointed to radar data showing a "rapid descent," something which would be consistent with an engine failure or similar malfunction. He said, "It looked like it dropped 17,000 feet in about two minutes."

Meanwhile, Brazil's GloboNews network interviewed residents in Vinhedo who witnessed the crash along with its aftermath.

Local resident feared that plane "was going to land in our yard"

Among the witnesses was a woman named Ana Lucia, who told reporters that she initially believed the plane "was going to fall in our yard."

"It was scary, but thank God there were no victims among the locals. It seems that the 62 people inside the plane were the real victims, though," she added.

USA Today reported that Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silv called for a minute of silence on Friday to honor those who had been killed.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson