VP Harris supports extremely radical court packing/replacement plan for Supreme Court

 September 9, 2024

Democrats have been determined to alter the U.S. Supreme Court in any way possible as long as it means disrupting the high court's current conservative majority, which was installed thanks to former President Donald Trump. 

There have been several radical plans proposed by the left that would shake up the high court to a degree that's hardly imaginable, but nothing is worse than a current Senate proposal that, according to a Breitbart exclusive with Mark Paoletta, would alter the high court in profound, dangerous ways.

Notably, as Paoletta points out, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrat's presidential nominee, supports the bill.

The bill, known as S.3096, would not only pack the high court, likely with liberal justices, but it would result in a continuous replacement of justices.

What's going on?

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-NY), described by Paoletta as the "single most malignant individual attacking the independence of the Supreme Court," proposed the radical bill that Harris supports.

Breitbart noted:

It "would require the president to appoint new Justices in their first and third year in each term, for a total of up to eighteen Justices, and allow only the nine most recently appointed Justices to participate in 99.9 percent of the cases that come before the Court. President Joe Biden’s proposal for 18 year term limits on Justices also aligns with this dangerous plan."

Paoletta points out that FDR's plan to radically alter the makeup of the high court was bad enough in its original form, but even that plan wouldn't have disqualified justices from participating in cases.

Breitbart went on to explain exactly how Whitehouse's plan would work under a Harris administration beginning in 2025.

Under their plan, when President Harris appoints a Justice in 2025, Justice Thomas would be immediately disqualified from sitting on nearly every case. Then Chief Justice Roberts would be disqualified in 2027 and Justice Alito in 2029.

As he pointed out, Democrats never had an issue with lifetime appointments on the high court until Trump, who exercised his constitutional rights, appointed three conservatives to the high court's bench who ultimately stood up to the radical left's agenda.

If Democrats hadn't lost so many cases at the hands of the current Supreme Court, it's doubtful they'd be spending any energy at all attempting to alter its makeup and change the rules.


Paoletta warned that if Democrats are able to push such a radical reform through, America would become "unrecognizable."

"If Democrats got their way and packed the court, our country would soon become unrecognizable. A newly constituted Court beholden to the left would allow the federal government to silence disfavored speech, restrict our religious liberties and our right to bear arms, seize wealth and property (such as taxing unrealized gains), allow unelected bureaucrats to regulate more aspects of our personal lives and our businesses, undermine meritocracy and permit rampant race-based remedies, permanently keep our borders open to unlimited illegal immigration, and allow violent criminals to run free," he wrote.

It's another reason that proves why this upcoming election is so monumentally important.

We have to get it right. And Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are not the right answer.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson