Why former GOP senator who opposed Trump in 2016 is supporting him now: Report

 June 17, 2024

Former Sen. Kelly Ayotte has announced her endorsement of former President Trump's campaign to reclaim the White House as she runs in one of the nation's most significant gubernatorial elections this year.

"Under Joe Biden things cost more, we’re less safe. There’s no question that we are worse off than we were than when President Trump was in office," Ayotte charged in a national interview with Fox News Digital.

"I’m supporting President Trump because I believe we need to change courses for the nation."

Ayotte and the GOP

Ayotte's support for the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee is an incredible step forward in the unification of support for the former president.

The support comes, despite the fact that it appears to be a no-brainer for nearly all Republicans who are standing for elective office in 2024, due to his obviously substantial control over the that has not always been fully behind him.

In 2016, Ayotte was a rising figure in the Republican Party, as the former state attorney general and first-term senator ran for re-election. She had a burgeoning profile on national security.


However, she withdrew her support for Trump shortly before the 2016 election due to the "Access Hollywood" controversy, in which Trump made his crude comments about grabbing women without their consent in a video.

"I cannot and will not support a candidate for president who brags about degrading and assaulting women," Ayotte said at the time.

Ayotte was defeated in her bid for re-election by Maggie Hassan, who was serving as governor at the time and was a Democrat. Her margin of defeat was slightly over one thousand votes, which was considered the slightest of margins for a loss.

The Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton narrowly defeated the winner of the White House race in New Hampshire by a margin of less than three thousand votes. However, Ayotte performed somewhat better than Trump in the state.

After the Loss

Following the conclusion of her tenure, Ayotte remained in Washington for a short period of time, during which she assisted then-Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch, who was Trump's first nomination for the Supreme Court, in achieving his successful confirmation process in the Senate.

As a result of her service on corporate boards and in advisory capacities at both public and private businesses, Ayotte has since experienced a prosperous time of her career after she left the Senate.

During the ensuing years, Ayotte also maintained a keen interest in the political climate of New Hampshire and would occasionally make appearances at local Republican Party events.

In addition, she continued to compose works of writing that expressed her opinions on significant state, national, and worldwide matters.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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