Barron Trump declining selfie requests for security reasons: report

 September 25, 2024

With speculation swirling over his future, Barron Trump is garnering plenty of attention as he pursues a degree in business at New York University.

A spitting image of his father Donald Trump, Barron was recently forced to decline selfies with star-struck classmates as Secret Service endeavors to keep him safe, Daily Mail reported.

Barron forced to decline

Standing at 6'9" and guarded at all times by Secret Service, Barron had little chance of blending in with the general population on campus.

One classmate told the Daily Mail that Barron has been "quiet" in class so far, but that hasn't stopped his classmates from seeking him out. Students who approached Barron for photos were turned away, the student added.

"Some people were trying to talk to him and take pictures of him when they first saw him. He's been quiet in class so far," the student said. "There were several guards outside the door before class and we had to show them our IDs."

NYU's Stern School of Business is a short drive from Trump Tower, which was the Trump family's home base for decades before Trump moved to Florida.

Barron has endeavored to keep a low profile at the school, skipping the first week of welcome parties, the Mail reported.

Barron in the spotlight

Speculation has long swirled over Barron's plans for the future, so it caused a stir when he appeared at a MAGA rally this summer to a standing ovation.

"Barron, it's good to have you," President Trump said. "Welcome to the scene, Barron. I don't know. He had such a nice easy life, now it's a little bit changed."

Days after Barron's debut, his father was shot by a gunman at a rally in Pennsylvania. A second assassination attempt in Florida this month once again highlighted the danger that Trump and his family has faced since he entered politics.

A woman was charged last year for threatening to kill Barron and stalking him at his high school, the Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach.

Barron has led a mostly secluded life, thanks to the relentless scrutiny his family has faced since his father's first presidential campaign, which made Trump, a beloved celebrity, into a pariah hated by the liberal elite. Despite NYU's liberal reputation, students do not harbor any ill will toward Trump's son, one student said.

"Nobody wants to bother or harass him. I wish him the best in college," the student added.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson