Biden cautions Democrats about future of SCOTUS if Trump wins election

 June 17, 2024

With President Joe Biden's chances of winning the 2024 election on the strength of his past performance in the Oval Office rapidly dwindling, his campaign is now resorting to the tired tactic of scaring voters about what could happen if he loses.

During a glitzy, star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles over the weekend, Biden attempted to strike fear in the hearts of Democrats everywhere by warning of what could happen at the Supreme Court if former President Donald Trump prevails in November, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Biden sounds the alarm

During Saturday's event, which featured the likes of George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jimmy Kimmel and more, Biden -- accompanied by former President Barack Obama -- weighed in on what he believes is at stake in the coming electoral contest.

“The next president is likely to have two new Supreme Court nominees. Two more,” Biden began, before taking aim at his predecessor.

Referencing Trump specifically, the president continued, “He's already appointed two that have been very negative in terms of rights of individuals,” though the number of justices placed on the court during the last administration was, in fact, three.

Continuing his riff, Biden turned his attentions to Justice Samuel Alito, who has been the subject of intense criticism from the left of late due to his wife's choice of flags to display at their homes.

“The idea that if [Trump] is reelected, he can appoint two more, flying flags upside down,” Biden said, with the possibility striking him as “one of the scariest parts” of what could occur.

Mrs. Biden concurs

It is not just Joe Biden who lives in fear of potential Trump appointments to the high court, as first lady Jill Biden recently offered her thoughts on the matter as well.

As Fox News noted late last month, during an appearance on ABC's The View, the president's wife explained that the specter of another Trump administration is unacceptable in the eyes of liberals everywhere.

Speaking to the panelists and the studio audience, Mrs. Biden said that if Trump wins, “We will lose all of our rights.”

Referencing future SCOTUS picks, Mrs. Biden implored voters not to “take things for granted” and to “think of the Supreme Court for God's sake.”

“Talk about things getting worse? Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court? No!” the first lady emoted.

President's promise

Though his focus on Saturday seemed to be on frightening his base about the potential of a second Trump term, Biden has also attempted to take a more proactive approach, telling a crowd in Philadelphia last month that he would actively appoint what he described as “progressive judges” to the highest court on the land.

Though the scenario described by Biden on Saturday night surely had the desired effect among the far-left Hollywood liberals assembled in the California audience, for millions of their fellow citizens, it represents precisely the outcome they hope the election will yield and one they are determined to go to the polls to secure.

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