Biden's DOJ accused of covering up alleged evidence of Hunter Biden's violations of anti-sex trafficking law

 June 21, 2024

Despite President Joe Biden's insistence that he was not involved in or interfered with a years-long federal criminal investigation of his son Hunter Biden, including having investigative paths cut off or alleged crimes overlooked, there is some evidence that suggests otherwise.

Biden's Justice Department is now facing accusations in a lawsuit that it declined to pursue possible criminal charges related to "prostitution and debauchery" as well as that the DOJ has refused to answer pertinent questions from Congress and the public in that regard, the Daily Caller reported.

The conservative Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project is now urging a federal court in Delaware to force the DOJ to turn over records related to investigative queries into whether Hunter Biden violated a 1910 law known as the Mann Act that prohibits the trafficking of prostitutes across state lines for paid sex acts.

DOJ accused of covering up Hunter Biden's alleged sex crimes

It was in 2023 that IRS whistleblowers who'd previously been involved in the years-long federal investigation of Hunter Biden turned over a slew of documents to Congress that appeared to expose interference on Biden's behalf by senior DOJ officials, including by foreclosing certain investigative paths or delaying particular investigative efforts until after the statute of limitations had expired for certain alleged crimes, among other things.

The documents and testimony from those whistleblowers prompted the Republican-led House Oversight Committee to seek answers from the DOJ, only for those requests to be ignored, which prompted a furious letter in September that renewed the committee's demands, again to no avail.

"DOJ’s decision to ignore the Committee’s request runs afoul of its own policies in the Justice Manual," the letter from Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said. "The agency’s policies clearly state, 'it is important that the Department provide timely responses to congressional inquiries.' Unfortunately, DOJ’s leadership continues to apply unwritten exceptions to its own rules and policies when the Bidens are involved."

"Testimony from an Internal Revenue Service whistleblower indicated that DOJ compiled a list of potential victims relating to an investigation of Hunter Biden for Mann Act violations," the letter continued. "These women may be victims under the Crime Victims’ Rights Act and may also be afforded mandatory restitution pursuant to the Mandatory Victim Restitution Act. In light of DOJ’s refusal to communicate in a meaningful way with the Committee, we have great skepticism that DOJ has been adequately communicating with crime victims."

Evidence of multiple alleged crimes compiled

According to a September 2023 New York Post report, the IRS whistleblowers provided Congress with documents which appeared to show that investigators had compiled a list of at least nine separate instances in which evidence suggested that Hunter Biden had communicated and coordinated with prostitutes and traffickers to transport women across state lines to be paid to have sex with him in Delaware.

The investigators observed that if confirmed, some or all of those alleged instances could be violation's of the 1910 Mann Act's prohibition against interstate prostitution and sex trafficking. Notably, the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell is currently serving a 20-year prison sentence based in part on her conviction for violating the Mann Act.

"There were some flying people across state lines, paying for their travel, paying for their hotels. They were what we call Mann Act violations," IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler told Congress last year of what was found in the Biden probe. "I know that they were compiling them together. I don’t know what they ended up doing with them. I know there was an effort at some point to compile them, but I don’t know what ultimately happened with them."

Lawsuit filed to force DOJ disclosure

Nobody seems to know what happened after investigators compiled that evidence of alleged Mann Act violations, and the DOJ certainly isn't saying, hence the unmet congressional demands and the lawsuit filed by the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project to force the DOJ to divulge that information.

"While you shouldn't transport prostitutes within state lines, it is clearly a federal offense to transport them across state lines," Oversight Project Executive Director Mike Howell said in a statement. "This is another criminal offense that Hunter has not been charged for, one that we are forcing the Department of Justice to admit that they are tracking, as well as refusing to prosecute."

Kyle Brosnan, an attorney for the Oversight Project, told Fox News, "If you sort of peel back the layers of the onion, it’s absurd, because there is an overwhelming amount of information that already shows these records exist." He added that the records were "found on the Hunter Biden laptop, which was entered into evidence in his criminal case in Delaware."

Unfortunately, the DOJ has remained tightlipped and has claimed that even merely confirming or denying the existence of the records, which are already at least partially public knowledge, would somehow violate privacy concerns for certain individuals, particularly Hunter Biden.

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