Matt Gaetz says DHS official told him there are 5 known assassination teams targeting Trump

 September 24, 2024

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said on the "Human Events" podcast on Thursday that a Department of Homeland Security official told him at least five different assassination teams are targeting former President Donald Trump.

Gaetz's comments come after two assassination attempts have been made against Trump--one in July at a Pennsylvania rally and one earlier this month at his golf course in Florida.

Gaetz said that the protection around Trump was "not sufficient" to ward off that many would-be assassins and keep him safe.

"I had a senior official from the Department of Homeland Security in my office before the second assassination attempt saying that what he has assessed is there are five known assassination teams in the United States -- three inspired by other governments, two that are here that are known domestic assassination teams -- and with that, this individual was coming to me concerned that the force protection around President Trump, even prior to the second assassination attempt, was not sufficient for what it needed to be," Gaetz said.

"Bare minimum"

He called the current protection the "bare minimum" required to protect Trump.

"Coordination at that level is like the bare minimum of what we have to do to keep our presidents and our candidates safe on the trail," he said.

"Five teams that we know are targeting Trump," he repeated. "So that raises questions about why certain teams were being pulled off of the Trump detail and put on, for example, the Jill Biden detail" prior to the first assassination attempt, because both Trump and the First Lady were in the same general area on the same day.

"Now we don't want anything bad to happen to Jill Biden," Gaetz said, "but at the same time, the threat envelope for her was substantially different than around Trump, and it would not have necessitated pulling assets away from the Trump detail to the Jill Biden or John Bolton detail -- or any of these details that were beefed up at the same time the requests from the Trump detail and the Trump campaign for more security were going unanswered."

To be real, no one has tried to assassinate Jill Biden--why would they?

She wishes

No one has even tried to assassinate Trump rival Vice President Kamala Harris, because she will be as ridiculous as the current President, if not more so.

It's entirely possible that Harris wishes someone would try to assassinate her, given the polling bump Trump seems to get every time it happens.

The latest round of polling by the New York Times and Siena College shows a Trump rebound in Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina--three of the seven swing states needed to win the race.

Harris's support is slipping because the bloom is off the rose and people are figuring out the emperor has no clothes--pardon me for mixing my idioms, but if the shoe fits . . .

People are about to start voting (early), and Trump's numbers only seem like they're going to get better as the actual Election Day gets closer--if he can stay alive while five teams try to take him down.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson