Meeting between US, Israel regarding Iran's nuclear program suddenly canceled

 June 20, 2024

In the wake of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticizing the Biden administration for its lack of military support as it carries out operations in Gaza, a high-level meeting was canceled. 

According to Fox News, an important meeting planned between U.S. and Israeli officials regarding Iran's nuclear program was suddenly canceled in the wake of Netanyahu's pre-recorded video.

Iran's nuclear program is back in the headlines, as there have reportedly been massive developments in their technology, causing global concerns.

The meeting between the two countries was set to take place on Thursday before it was abruptly canceled.

What's going on?

White House officials reportedly downplayed the cancellation of the meeting and said that it would still take place after the details were fully "finalized."

Fox News noted:

The Thursday meeting would have pertained to information about a computer modeling program Iran has acquired that could be used to assist in developing nuclear weapons. Iran's intentions behind the program remain unclear, with officials reportedly split on whether it is innocuous or represents further nuclear ambition from the regime.

But others confirmed that the meeting was canceled as a result of Bibi's video, which some experts say was a huge look behind the curtains of what's going on inside the Biden administration regarding its latest stance on Israel.

Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, thinks the Biden administration could be hiding what it's denying Israel.

"What’s becoming clear is that the White House has misled Congress and the American people as to the extent of the withholding of key munitions that Israel needs to defend itself. It’s not just about 2,000-pound bombs, it’s about the precision guided conversion kits," Goldberg said.

He added, "The president is effectively allying with Iran to squeeze Israel inside Tehran’s ring of fire."

Social media reacts

Social media users weighed in on why they believe the meeting was ultimately canceled.

"But when Zelensky did the same thing 4 months ago we quickly sent MORE money…" one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "We should be holding military aid from everyone."

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