Trump gains the endorsement of Albuquerque Police Officers

 September 27, 2024

Former President Donald Trump is racking up endorsements for his third run for office, with law enforcement coming in strong with another endorsement.

In a statement released on Thursday, the Albuquerque Police Officers' Association expressed their support for former President Donald Trump, citing his "proven track record and strong leadership."

Following in the footsteps of other law enforcement organizations who have given their support to the Republican candidate and his message of law and order, the organization has now given its endorsement, as Just The News reported.

Just before the start of September, for example, the Fraternal Order of Police gave their support to him, marking a big win for the Republican presidential campaign.

From the AZ Association

Shaun Willoughby, President of the Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association, spoke to the endorsement, saying, “President Trump has consistently shown unwavering support for our police officers, advocating for policies that protect and empower those who serve on the front lines.

"His commitment to law and order, coupled with his dedication to funding law enforcement initiatives, has provided our officers with the tools and resources necessary to serve and protect."

The law enforcement association made it clear why they choose to endorse the former president, offering to speak to his track record in office.

"We believe that President Trump’s proven track record and strong leadership make him the best candidate to address the challenges facing our nation," Willoughby said.

Trump Campaign Response

In reaction, the campaign of Donald Trump stated that Vice President Kamala Harris, is considered to be "dangerously liberal," not holding back in the assessment of his competitor.

According to the Trump campaign, "let the people of Albuquerque down" with her policies as "Border Czar" and her "capitulation to violent criminals."

The campaign noted that Harris “supports eliminating cash bail and ending mandatory minimum sentences” while praising the “defund the police movement.”

“Under her failed leadership, murders in Albuquerque are up 24% this year compared to the same period in 2019, and fentanyl deaths in Albuquerque rose nearly 58% between 2020 and 2021 as Harris loosened restrictions at the southern border,” the campaign added.

State of the Campaign

The former president is facing the current vice president in what many consider likely to be another close race for the White House.

While both Trump and Harris appear to have made some substantial wins, many believe that the former president has a solid lead, due to boots-on-the-ground reports of a lack of support for the vice president who was not officially voted in as the Democrat nominee.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson