Trump says guilty verdict is ‘tougher on my family than it is on me’

 June 3, 2024

During his time in office, former President Donald Trump expressed his regret over the impact that his guilty verdict has had on his family, including his wife and the former first lady Melania Trump, as The Washington Examiner reported.

In the course of an interview that was broadcast on Fox and Friends on Sunday, President Trump provided an update on his family, who have been in the news extensively as the former president sat through his court case in New York.

Since a jury in Manhattan found him guilty of manipulating corporate records during his 2024 presidential campaign, which he has already returned to, this was his first broadcast interview since the verdict was handed down.

Details of Trump's Case

With that being said, Trump himself is subject to a gag order that prevents him from amending the record, despite the fact that the press has been covering his trial.

“I have a wonderful wife who has to listen to this stuff all the time. They do that for this reason,” Trump said

“But they put this stuff in to create havoc. These are bad people. I know everything they’re doing, I know every move they make, I get it. But a lot of people don’t. But it’s tougher, or I think it’s, probably in many ways, it’s tougher on my family than it is on me.”

On Melania

A question was posed to President Trump by the host of Fox News, Pete Hegseth, regarding the well-being of his wife, Melania, since the verdict was announced.

“She’s fine, but I think it’s very hard for her, but she’s fine,” Trump said.

Next, Trump proceeded to provide an update on their son Barron, who had just recently graduated from high school.

On Barron

He referred to Barron as "amazing" and stated that he has been able to continue his life with almost no interruptions thus far.

“He’s a very good student. He’s applied to colleges and gets into everywhere he goes, you know. He’s very sought after from the standpoint,” Trump said.

Barron did not accept the opportunity to participate as a delegate in Florida's convention this year, which was offered to him before to the election in 2024.

In the meantime, Melania joined her husband on the campaign trail for the very first time somewhere in April of this year.

During the inaugural fundraising event for her husband's presidential campaign in 2024, the LGBT organization Log Cabin Republicans played host to the event.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson