Republican threat of Senate nominations, legislative blockade after Trump guilty verdict

 June 3, 2024

A group of ten Senate Republicans, enraged by the felony conviction of former President Donald Trump, are threatening to suspend Senate business or, at the very least, make it more difficult for Democrats to accomplish anything.

On Friday, nine of Sen. Mike Lee of Utah's Republican colleagues and Lee himself signed a proclamation pledging to erect as many obstacles as possible to President Biden's agenda, as The Washington Times reported.

These obstacles would include voting against his financing priorities and impeding Senate deliberations on his nominees and legislative agenda.

From the Lawmaker

“Strongly worded statements are not enough,” Lee wrote in an X post explaining the decree. “Those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable.”

Lee extended an invitation to additional Republicans to sign the declaration, which was also signed by Republican senators Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, J.D. Vance of Ohio, Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, Roger Marshall of Kansas, Rick Scott, and Marco Rubio of Florida.

A copy of the declaration was distributed by Lee. Later on Friday, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson and Missouri Senator Josh Hawley signed the pledge.  While their statement did not explicitly reference Mr. Trump, their displeasure was unmistakable.

Additional Support for Lee

“The White House has made a mockery of the rule of law and fundamentally altered our politics in un-American ways,” the GOP senators said in their declaration.

“As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart.”

With this objective in mind, the Republicans swore their opposition to any expansion of nondefense funding, as requested by the Biden administration, as well as any appropriations that support "partisan lawfare."

They also stated that they would oppose the confirmation of all executive and judicial nominees of Biden and the passage of none of his legislative priorities.

What the Senate Can Do

The Republicans' most potent instrument in the Senate minority is the capacity to oppose unanimous consent requests, which are essential for expediting the process of nominate individuals and advance legislation. Their assurance was that expedited deliberation would not be granted to Democratic "legislation or authorities that do not directly pertain to the safety of the American people."

In addition to Lee, a number of Republican senators who signed the proclamation took to social media to explain their positions.

“The White House’s weaponization of our government to target President Trump for political gain represents the pinnacle of two tiers of justice,” Mrs. Blackburn wrote on X. “We cannot allow this grave injustice to prevail in the United States of America.”

In the same way, Marshall asserted that “Joe Biden and his army of partisan hack judges”  were weaponizing the judicial system: “Words are not enough,” he said. “Call on your senator to join our fight — we will block every single Biden judicial nomination until America votes on November 5th.”

“Our country is in real trouble,” Mr. Scott added. “Republicans must stand together and end this madness.”

House Republicans, by virtue of their control over the lower chamber, are more positioned to erect obstacles to Mr. Biden's agenda.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson