Oops! Trump verdict fuels $200 million donor backlash

 June 3, 2024

Donald Trump has raked in an astonishing $200 million in just three days since being labeled a "convicted felon" in a rigged, partisan show trial. 

The anger ignited by Joe Biden's outrageous abuse of the justice system is flooding his rival's coffers, with Eric Trump reporting $70 million in small dollar donations alone during a segment on Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures.

Staggering haul for Trump

The staggering cash haul is one sign that the "hush money" trial is having unintended consequences for Democrats.

"'This might be a little inside information, but as I was leaving my house about 37 seconds ago, I asked my wife, what are we up to now?" Trump said, referring to Lara Trump, who co-chairs the RNC.

"And [Lara] said, just in terms of small dollar, we're well over $70 million. This is $21 donations, $43 donations, right, small dollar donations," he added.

"If you add the large dollar donations to it, you're over $200 million."

Trump versus the regime

It amounts to a groundswell of grassroots support for Donald Trump, the first American president to ever be convicted of a crime.

Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts for "falsifying business records" on May 30, after a trial that was tainted by politics from start to finish.

Democrats are in attack mode, with Biden and his top surrogates blasting Trump as a "convicted felon" over and over. While it's unclear how the verdict will impact Trump at the polls, it has already energized Trump's base and opened up their wallets.

"I mean, these are Americans who are pissed off," Eric Trump added. "They're coming out of the woodwork and they want to support a guy that they just believe he's getting bamboozled by a system."

Roughly a third of the new donors are politically unaffiliated, Eric said, pointing to widespread anger at the verdict.

About half the $200 million was sent by Miriam Adelson, the widow of Republican megadonor Sheldon Adelson.

Plugging the gap

With three other criminal cases in limbo, the guilty verdict marks the climax of a brutal lawfare campaign that, until now, has drained Trump's resources, putting Biden at a cash advantage.

But that could soon be changing, as a mix of big donors and outraged ordinary Americans rally to Trump in protest of a corrupt political system.

With the post-verdict windfall, Trump raised $141 million in May, which is nearly double the $76 million his campaign raised the month before.

Biden has yet to report his May numbers, but he raised $51 million in April.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson