Trump still strong and gaining in the polls after his guilty verdict, data shows

 June 6, 2024

While many on the left won't admit it outright, most of former President Donald Trump's critics were praying that a conviction in the New York trial would finally blast him down in the polls. 

Much to their dismay, that hasn't happened, nor does it appear as if it's going to happen.

According to Newsweek, in the wake of being found guilty on 34 felony charges by a Manhattan jury, Trump continues to maintain strong polling numbers ahead of the November election.

In addition to staying strong in the polls, Trump also managed to raise a total of $141 million in May for his campaign war chest, with about a third of that coming in the days after the guilty verdict.

The numbers

Not surprisingly, some polls have shown Trump taking a minor hit in polling in the wake of the guilty verdict, but some of the most recent surveys are showing him as strong as ever.

As a matter of fact, one recent survey showed Trump actually gaining in his position compared to the last iteration of the same poll in May.

Newsweek noted:

An Issues and Insights (I&I)/TIPP poll published Monday revealed that Trump and Biden are tied at 41 percent in a head-to-head matchup. That is an improvement for Trump, who was behind Biden in an I&I/TIPP poll in May by two points (42 to 40).

That poll happened to be conducted at the end of May, and it was noted that a "significant" portion of the respondents were well aware of Trump's guilty verdict, which undoubtedly causes headaches for the Biden campaign and Trump's critics on the left.

The former president is also still killing it with independents, who could be the deciding factor in a number of crucial swing states in the next election

Newsweek noted:

The poll also revealed that independents still heavily favor Trump over Biden (38 percent to 26 percent). Support from that demographic may prove vital for the outcome of several key swing states that could determine the winner.

Trump hater disappointment

I&I editor Terry Jones, in his analysis of the latest poll, said that those wishing for Trump's numbers to dive after the verdict were definitely disappointed.

"If anyone was expecting a sudden mass exodus of Trump voters following his legal defeat they were certainly disappointed," Jones wrote. "If anything, Trump's hand seems to have strengthened some in the immediate aftermath of his conviction."

The next big potential fundraising boon for Trump could come on July 11, which is the date of his sentencing. Many believe that if he's actually sentenced to any jail time, his massive base of supporters and many others will throw money at his campaign like never before.

If the Democrats' plan was to "get Trump" by weaponizing the justice system, it certainly hasn't worked yet.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson