Hunter Biden's daughter testifies in his gun trial

 June 8, 2024

Naomi Biden, the daughter of Hunter Biden, testified in the ongoing criminal trial of her father on Friday. 

This is the case in which Hunter Biden is facing up to 25 years of imprisonment for allegedly lying about his drug use on a form that he submitted when he purchased a firearm in October 2018. The trial is just taking place now.

The 30-year-old Naomi Biden, according to the BBC, testified on her father's behalf on Friday.

She was called to the witness stand by her father's lawyers after the prosecution rested its case with what many argue is clear evidence of guilt.

Naomi Biden's testimony

It appears that the decision to call Naomi Biden to the witness stand was a bit of a surprise move by Hunter Biden's lawyers.

The BBC reports, "Naomi Biden was then called to the stand - a surprise move that prosecutors acknowledged they were unaware of ahead of time."

The outlet continues, "Speaking in mostly simple "yes" or "no" answers, she said she first became aware of her father's drug use after the death of her uncle, Beau, from cancer in 2015."

The prosecutors, during cross-examination, got her to admit that she usually could not tell when her dad was under the influence of drugs.

The New York Post reports that, during Naomi Biden's testimony, Hunter Biden, at times, could be seen wiping away tears.

The big question:

It is whether the jury is truly going to be impartial in this case.

We all just saw what happened in New York City, where a jury convicted former President Donald Trump of what legal experts from across the political spectrum consider to be sham charges. Legal experts believe that part of the reason for this guilty verdict was the fact that people where the trial took place were overwhelmingly anti-Trump.

In the Hunter Biden trial, the situation is the reverse. It is taking place in Delaware, which is the Biden family's home territory. In other words, it is very likely that most members of the jury are going to be sympathetic to the Biden family, regardless of the evidence.

This could result in an absurd scenario in which Trump was found guilty by a biased jury of a made-up crime for which there was no evidence of guilt, whereas Hunter Biden is acquitted by a biased jury of a legitimate crime for which there is clear evidence of guilt.

To say the least, this would be bad news for the American legal system.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson