California governor, Dems accused of playing 'dirty tricks' to prevent Prop 47 reforms

 June 12, 2024

While California has beena liberal stronghold for years, everything seemed to change -- for the worse -- in the once-beautiful state after voters approved Prop 47, which lessened the consequences for drug and theft crimes. 

Over the past decade, the nation has watched the state devolve into a den of drug use, theft, and homelessness, which has sparked a bipartisan effort to reform Prop 47.

According to Fox News, efforts to place a reform measure for Prop 47 on the ballot for the upcoming November election are being met with resistance from the governor and other state Democrats.

That's even with bipartisan support for the reform measure, as the state is in dire straits as far as crime and drug use is concerned.

What's going on?

A group called Californians for Safer Communities has worked overtime to garner the support of the residents of California for measures to reform Prop 47.

The group has reportedly collected at least 900,000 signatures from California voters who support the reform, hoping to help restore the state to its pre-Prop 47 version.

Some officials have said that Gov. Gavin Newsom and California Democrats have attempted to play "dirty tricks" to stop the movement from gaining momentum.

They've been accused of adding "poison pills" to legislation to prevent any reform of Prop 47.

Fox News noted:

Some Democrats plan to introduce inoperability clauses into the set of proposed public safety bills to prevent them from going into effect if voters approve the Prop 47 reforms. They contend that it's a way to ensure there aren't any inconsistencies in the law.

Social media reacts

The issue generated a mountain of responses across social media, as users were clearly not happy with efforts to reform Prop 47, which would undoubtedly make the state safer.

"California is a lost cause. The inmates run the asylum in Sacramento," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "The way they write these bills is reprehensible and intentional. No wonder people hate this State."

Only time will tell if the reforms pass if added to the ballot. Clearly, the state desperately needs it, and politics should be put aside to make it happen.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson