President Biden delivers gun control speech hours after son was convicted on 3 felony gun charges

 June 13, 2024

To say President Joe Biden's latest speech was awkward would be quite the understatement. 

In the wake of Hunter Biden's conviction on three felony gun charges which included another Biden family member tossing the gun in a dumpster, the elderly president made a gun control speech in his first public remarks since the guilty verdict.

According to the New York Post, among other silly gun control agenda items, Biden pushed for harsh punishments for families who leave their guns unlocked.

The speech came as many wonder if Biden will use his executive powers to pardon his son or commute any potential prison sentence.

What did he say?

The often-confused, elderly president took the podium at the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund’s annual “Gun Sense University” conference on Wednesday to make his spiel.

"It’s time we establish universal background checks — and by the way, and require the safe storage of firearms,” Biden said during a speech just a few blocks from the White House. "We should hold families responsible if they don’t provide those locks on those guns."

The Post noted:

It was not immediately clear if the gaffe-prone president’s demand for punishment of families who carelessly store guns was ad-libbed or part of his prepared script — though it was uttered just after Biden shared a seemingly unscripted line about duck hunters in Delaware not needing automatic weapons.

Biden made a number of gaffes during the anti-gun speech, which are all too common as his cognitive state continues to rapidly devolve.

Many across social media torched Biden for the irony in giving the speech shortly after his son was convicted on gun charges. The White House press briefing for that day was also canceled, unsurprisingly.

Social media reacts

In his demagogic speech today on gun control, Biden said he taught at the University of Pennsylvania. He didn't. He said he taught a course on Constitutional Law, focusing on the 2A. He didn't. He said conservatives want to overthrow the gov't. We don't. He's a pathological LIAR!," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Once again, if a Biden's lips are moving, he is lying."

Don't be surprised if the Biden administration continues to hammer on the subject as the election nears.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson