Queen Camilla quips that she would like to assume patronage of the Garden Museum, currently held by King Charles

 June 13, 2024

King Charles' wife Queen Camilla seems to have her eye on one of her husband's patronages, and made it clear in a recent speech that she wants it.

According to Fox News, Queen Camilla, during a visit to The Garden Museum in London on Wednesday to tour the "Gardening Bohemia: Bloomsbury Women Outdoors" exhibit, expressed her interest in taking over the patronage for the institution.

Fox News noted: "A review of nearly 1,000 royal patronages began in September 2022 following Queen Elizabeth II's death, with the final list of appointments expected at any moment."

While visiting the famous landmark, Camilla met with Shane Connolly, "the florist who designed the arrangements for King Charles' coronation in May 2023."

What did she say?

While Queen Camilla was clearly having a lighthearted moment, which generated a laugh from the attending audience, it's not out of the realm of possibility to assume that perhaps she's vying for it.

"I don’t know how many visits I’ve paid here — quite a lot," she said during a speech at the museum. "I know my husband’s patron, but I might have to nudge him. I’d quite like to take that one away from him."

The official title held by the king is the "Royal Patron of the Garden Museum."

Queen Camilla added, "It’s such a special place that every time I’m asked, I just have to come back again, and I think this wonderful exhibition celebrating women in gardening is so important."

Queen Camilla's visit to the museum also included stops at the "Gardening Bohemia" display and a "Clay for Dementia" session.

Great anticipation

After Queen Elizabeth II died in 2022, a review of 1,000 patronages began, and the results are expected to be published in the near future.

"Following His Majesty The King’s Accession in September 2022, a major review of more than 1,000 Royal Patronages and charity Presidencies has been undertaken," a statement from Buckingham Palace read.

It added, "To mark the first anniversary of Their Majesties’ Coronation, the conclusions will be shared with relevant organizations in the coming week."

Perhaps if she asks nicely, King Charles will oblige her.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson