Allies at G7 summit shocked by Biden's deteriorating condition

 June 15, 2024

The New York Post reports that some of America's allies at the G7 summit were surprised about President Joe Biden's deteriorating mental condition. 

"Biden has joined the leaders of the world’s wealthiest democracies — including Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak — for the annual meeting to discuss their nations’ economic and security priorities," the outlet reports.

It adds, "However, the president has stolen the spotlight with a series of bizarre actions, including giving Meloni an awkward salute upon greeting her Thursday and wandering away from his fellow leaders during a skydiving demonstration, forcing the host prime minister to chaperone him back to the group."

But, that's not all.

Biden's condition is "the worst . . . ever"

The Sun reports the concerns that some of America's allies, after meeting with Biden at the summit, have voiced about the president.

"The 81-year-old has been 'losing focus' during the gathering of world leaders in Puglia, Italy, according to well-placed diplomatic sources," the outlet reports.

It adds, "One told The Sun: 'It's the worst he has ever been.'"

That's not all.

The Sun continues:

Another insider added that while the president had shown moments of sharpness and clarity during meetings, at other times he had appeared to be "losing focus" and concentration. Other attendees from multiple delegations have described Mr Biden's performance as "embarrassing".

No surprise

None of this will come as a surprise to Americans. Poll after poll has demonstrated that Americans, of all political backgrounds, have voiced concerns about Biden's mental fitness for office as the 2024 presidential election draws nearer.

A recent poll from J.L. Partners shows just how bad the situation is.

The pollster, according to the Daily Wire, surveyed 500 “likely general election voters” on June 10-11. Among other things, the pollster asked participants about the upcoming presidential debates between Biden and former President Donald Trump. And, some of the results are surprising.

According to the Daily Wire, J.L. Partners, for example, found that:

Seventy percent of those surveyed expect the 81-year-old Biden to mess up his words, 49% expect him to forget where he is, 41% expect him to walk off the wrong side of the stage, and 40% expect Biden to have issues standing up. Only 39% predicted Biden would win the debate, while 50%, including 13% of Democrats, said they expect Trump to win, according to the poll.

If there is a positive side in all of this for Biden, it is that the bar is set so incredibly low that he does not have to do much to surpass expectations.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson