Fight breaks out among Italian lawmakers

 June 15, 2024

A physical fight recently broke out among members of Italy's parliament. 

The incident, according to the New York Postwas captured on camera.

One lawmaker, according to the outlet, even had to leave the building in a wheelchair. Take a look for yourself:

Here's what happened:

Politico provides the details.

"The scuffle kicked off during a vote in the Chamber of Deputies, Italy’s lower house of parliament, on the government’s controversial bill paving way to give Italy’s regions greater autonomy," the outlet reports.

It continues, "As seen in a video of the incident, Leonardo Donno, a member of parliament from the opposition 5 Star Movement party, who opposes the reform, walked up to Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies Roberto Calderoli and thrust an Italian flag in his face."

This is when things really got out of control.

According to Politico, "Two clerks rushed and grabbed Donno to separate him from Calderoli as dozens of lawmakers from the League and Brothers of Italy parties, part of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s ruling coalition, joined the fray. Donno eventually fell and was transported out of the chamber in a wheelchair by parliamentary medical staff."

"I collapsed"

Donno has released a statement on the incident, and, according to him, he actually collapsed because he was unable to breathe in all the commotion.

"Among the various kicks, I also received a very strong punch to the sternum and I collapsed because I couldn’t breathe," he said.

Donno also said that he is considering "taking action" against the League and Brothers of Italy MPs who, in his view, assaulted him. At least one member of the League has admitted to swinging his fist at Donno, but the member has denied that he made any contact with Donno.

What was temporarily forgotten in all of this is the legislation that was at issue. Reports indicate that the bill continues to be debated and, thus, has yet to be passed.

Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani commented on the situation, saying:

I have no words. We need to set another example, not punches to resolve political problems. It’s not braggadocio, it’s not shouting, it’s ideas that need to be explained well to persuade voters.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson