California's governor on hot seat for 'bold-faced lie'

 June 15, 2024

Gavin Newsom, the Democratic governor of California, is facing serious criticism for what some are calling "a bold-faced lie." 

The alleged lie, according to Fox News, regards California's handling of the southern border crisis.

Newsom, as will be demonstrated, recently claimed that his state has significantly increased the number of National Guard members that it has sent to the U.S.-Mexico border to address the ongoing crisis that has been caused by the Biden administration's open border policies.

The governor's claim, however, appears to be false.

"We have 390 National Guardsmen and women . . ."

Newsom made the claim in a video that he posted to his X account on Thursday, June 13, 2024. Take a look:

The video begins with Newsom saying, "Back down here at the border, Tijuana, right behind me San Diego sector. This is the San Ysidro port of entry, not too far away, which is the largest in the western hemisphere."

The governor continues, "We're just down here with the National Guard, meeting with customs agents as well as with border patrol, talking about our partnerships."

And, this is when Newsom made the claim about the National Guard. He said:

We have 390 National Guardsmen and women that have been working, particularly as it relates to fentanyl, here in the state of California. Look, at the bottom line at the end of the day, they need more resources. Everybody needs more resources, and the Republican Party has been consistently standing in the way of providing the resources to support the men and women working hard, not only here at the border, but throughout the state of California and this country, to address the issues related to the border.

It's all a lie

Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin and Fox News correspondent Matt Finn say that, based on their sources, Newsom's claim about the National Guard is a lie.

"I sent Gov. Newsom’s below post to a BP agent in Jacumba, who responded by laughing & telling me CA ‘isn’t doing s---’ to help them with illegal crossings there, and any soldiers that they see there are National Guard from other states working w/ DHS under federal Title 10 order," Melugin said.

He added, "He said CA soldiers are helping with drug interdiction at ports of entry – not the mass crossing hot spots in Jacumba. If the Governor’s office has any images of CA National Guard helping Border Patrol in Jacumba, I’m happy to update."

Finn similarly reported, "We’re at the CA border right now in Jacumba, Governor Newsom. We see migrants illegally crossing all hours of the day. From China, Iran, Yemen. Nepal. Haven’t seen a single CA National Guard over the past week."

What else would you expect from Newsom?

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson