NY GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney urges Dem Gov. Kathy Hochul to pardon former President Donald Trump

 June 15, 2024

Former President Donald Trump was convicted late last month in a politically motivated criminal case based on dubious legal theories brought by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Now a Republican member of Congress from New York, Rep. Claudia Tenney, has called upon Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul to pardon the former GOP president and the current presumptive nominee of the felony conviction, according to Fox News.

She joins her Democratic colleague from Minnesota, Rep. Dean Phillips, who similarly urged the New York governor to pardon the convicted former president "for the good of the country."

"I urge you to pardon President Trump"

In a letter on Thursday to Gov. Hochul, Rep. Tenney expressed her "grave concern" about the verdict in former President Trump's criminal case that "undermines the impartiality and credibility of our once venerable justice system and cannot be allowed to stand," and wrote, "As a member in good standing of the New York Bar Association, I urge you to pardon President Trump and restore trust in our legal system."

The congresswoman said that the justice system is supposed to be "impartial and blind" and that those "who commit crimes should be prosecuted," but noted that under DA Bragg’s "failed leadership, the Manhattan DA has not investigated crimes, but rather targeted individuals in search of crimes. This is not how the legal system is designed to work."

Tenney accused Bragg of using a "warped version of events to push the manufactured charges" against Trump, a choice that was "legally questionable" at best and "criminal" at worst. She further observed that Bragg has "neglected to prosecute other individuals" in similar cases, "as his only purpose in bringing this case is to target the former President" for overtly "political purposes," which she decried as "unethical and unconstitutional."

She also lambasted the prosecution's arguments as "ludicrous" and asserted that Bragg had "no business pursuing this case, which relied on fringe and meritless legal theories that were invented with the sole intent of prosecuting President Trump for political reasons."

Bipartisan calls for a Trump pardon

"Millions of Americans, even those who don’t support President Trump, would agree with my assessment of this case and fully support the pardoning of President Trump," Rep. Tenney wrote in her letter to Gov. Hochul. "This case fully undermines our system of justice and is nothing more than a partisan political prosecution."

"Even my Democratic colleague from Minnesota, Congressman Dean Phillips, has called on you to pardon President Trump," she continued. "Pardoning President Trump is not a partisan issue, it’s an American issue that is necessary to preserve the integrity of our legal system."

On May 31, Rep. Phillips posted on the X platform, "Donald Trump is a serial liar, cheater, and philanderer, a six-time declarer of corporate bankruptcy, an instigator of insurrection, and a convicted felon who thrives on portraying himself as a victim," but added, "@GovKathyHochul should pardon him for the good of the country."

After receiving substantial pushback from his fellow Democrats, Phillips responded in a separate post, "You think pardoning is stupid? Making him a martyr over a payment to a porn star is stupid. (Election charges are entirely different.) It’s energizing his base, generating record sums of campaign cash, and will likely result in an electoral boost."

Hochul should pardon Trump and remove Bragg from office

Rep. Tenney ended her letter to Gov. Hochul by accusing DA Bragg of having "failed to uphold the high ethical standards required of a lawyer and a District Attorney," and reminded the governor, "It is your solemn duty to protect the Constitutional rights of all defendants before our courts."

"I now call on you as Governor of the State of New York to restore the integrity of our criminal justice system by pardoning former President Donald J. Trump and removing Alvin Bragg as District Attorney of New York County," the congresswoman concluded.

The National Desk reported that Hochul's office declined to respond to a request for comment about the request for a pardon for Trump and noted that the Democratic governor has long been highly critical of the former president and even recently disparaged his Republican supporters as "clowns" following Trump's campaign rally in the Bronx.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson