Released Secret Service records reveal dozens of dog-biting incidents involving Biden's German Shepherds

 June 16, 2024

There have been occasional reports over the past few years of President Joe Biden's German Shepherd dogs, Commander and Major, who no longer reside at the White House, attacking and biting Secret Service agents and other White House personnel -- reports that were often downplayed as minor isolated incidents by Biden's administration.

Newly released internal records revealed that one of the most recent known incidents occurred in September 2023 while Biden was walking Commander and the dog bit an agent twice on the arm, which caused damage to their suit but didn't break the skin, according to ABC News.

Those records also showed that the dog-biting incidents have occurred more frequently than previously known and have resulted in a need for medical treatment on nearly a dozen occasions.

Commander attacked an agent while being walked off-leash

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch announced on Wednesday that it had obtained another 116 pages of U.S. Secret Service emails and records through a Freedom of Information Act request and lawsuit filed against the Department of Homeland Security earlier this year.

The records included a September 12, 2023, email documenting an incident in the Kennedy Garden outside the White House that occurred while President Biden was walking Commander off-leash and appeared to need assistance from a Secret Service agent.

"As I started to walk toward him to see if he needed help, Commander ran through his legs and bit my left arm through the front of my jacket. I pulled my arm away and yelled no. POTUS also yelled [redacted] to Commander. POTUS then [redacted]. I obliged and Commander let me pet him," the agent wrote. "When turning to close the door, Commander jumped again and bit my left arm for the second time. POTUS again yelled at Commander and attached the leash to him. My suit coat has 3 holes,1 being all the way through. No skin was broken."

More attacks occurred than previously known

The released records included copies of forms filed by agents to seek reimbursement of the costs to repair or replace damaged suits, with associated pictures of the damage caused, in multiple dog-biting incidents.

Also included were copies of numerous emails received by the Secret Service from media reporters asking questions about the September 2023 incident, all of which received a standardized and vague confirmation of a dog-biting incident from Secret Service Chief of Communications Anthony Guglielmi.

There was also a chain of internal emails in late September 2023 of Secret Service agents noting that gossip outlet TMZ had reported on another dog-biting incident before they were even aware of it, which included more than one agent suggesting Commander needed to be "muzzled" for the safety of the agents.

That TMZ article highlighted seven known incidents of Biden's dogs biting Secret Service agents, a few of which required medical attention, that have involved both the then-two-year-old Commander as well as Biden's older dog, Major, who had already been kicked out of the White House at that time for previously biting an agent.

As it turned out, according to a spreadsheet included in the recently released records, there were at least 23 separate dog-biting incidents involving Secret Service at the White House, Biden's homes in Delaware, and elsewhere between October 2022 and August 2023, at least 11 of which required medical attention from staff at the White House Medical Unit.

Blood on the floor caused delay of public tour

In February, Judicial Watch reported on the release of a batch of 269 pages of emails and records that were in response to a separate FOIA lawsuit filed last year. That release included the revelation that a public tour of the East Wing of the White House had to be halted for around 20 minutes in June 2023 while blood was cleaned from the floor following a dog-biting incident.

"These Biden dog attack documents again raise fundamental questions about President Biden and the Secret Service. This is a special sort of craziness and corruption where a president and first lady would allow their dog to repeatedly attack Secret Service and White House personnel," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said at the time. "And rather than protect its agents, the Secret Service tried to illegally hide documents about the abuse of its agents and officers by the Biden family."

"That it took federal lawsuits to force the release of this information speaks volumes. The Bidens are lucky no one has been killed as a result of their reckless disregard for the safety of Secret Service and White House employees," he added.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson