Black pastor praises Trump for Detroit event, says Obama and Biden 'never came to the hood' like him

 June 16, 2024

Former President Donald Trump is making a concerted effort to win over young and minority voters who typically vote for Democrats but are disillusioned by President Joe Biden's tenure in office.

That included a visit to a church in Detroit, Michigan on Saturday, where the black pastor thanked Trump for coming to "the 'hood" when Biden and former President Barack Obama had not, according to Fox News.

Ironically enough, while Trump was courting black voters in Detroit, Biden and Obama were palling around with wealthy Hollywood celebrities at a star-studded fundraiser event in Los Angeles, California Saturday night.

Obama and Biden "never came to the 'hood" like Trump, pastor says

On Saturday afternoon, former President Trump attended a roundtable discussion event at the 180 Church in Detroit to speak with numerous business and community leaders in attendance.

At one point during the event, Pastor Lorenzo Sewell said, "President Trump, I'm so humbled that you would be here. President Obama never came to the 'hood, so to speak. President Biden went to the big NAACP dinner but he never came to the 'hood. So, thank you."

Trump's effort to win over black voters

The Detroit Free Press reported that former President Trump delivered a brief speech at the roundtable discussion event in Detroit that was largely focused on the economy and inflation, President Biden's mishandling of immigration and the southern border, the administration's push for all-electric vehicles, and the scourge of violent crime, particularly in predominately black neighborhoods, among other topics.

The event, which was attended by an assortment of black business and community leaders that ranged from politicians to rappers, was part of a broader effort launched by the Trump campaign to convince black voters and other minorities that he and Republicans have better plans to address their particular concerns than Biden and Democrats.

While the full impact of that effort won't be known until after Election Day in November, the Free Press observed that while Biden won more than 90% of the black vote in Michigan in 2020, with Trump getting just 7%, current polling suggests that Biden is only drawing about 60% of Michigan's black voters compared to 30% for Trump in a head to head matchup.

The outlet further reported that the Trump campaign launched a new "Black Americans for Trump" coalition on the same day as the Detroit event, which was Trump's fourth visit to Michigan this year alone but his first visit to a Detroit church since the 2016 campaign.

Of course, Democrats locally and nationally blasted the former Republican president for his outreach effort toward black voters in Detroit and elsewhere, mostly with critical assertions that it was insincere, while the Biden campaign dismissed Trump's Detroit event as nothing more than a "political stunt."

Biden-Obama fundraiser with Hollywood celebrities in L.A.

Meanwhile, as former President Trump attempted to earn the support of black voters in Detroit, President Biden joined up with former President Obama and a number of Hollywood celebrities for a massive fundraiser event in Los Angeles, according to the Associated Press.

Organized by big stars like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Barbara Streisand, and hosted by late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel, the Biden-Obama event reportedly raised a record-setting nearly $30 million, which beat the previous fundraising record of $26 million set a similarly star-studded event in March in New York that was hosted by late-night comedian Stephen Colbert and featured former President Bill Clinton along with Biden and Obama.

Ironically enough, that influx of celebrity cash for the Biden campaign has now become vital as while Democrats initially far out-paced Republicans in terms of fundraising to start the current election cycle, the Trump campaign and Republicans have since closed the gap with huge donation numbers of their own over the past couple of months.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson